LOOK at the earth here! How pretty everything is! Look at the - TopicsExpress


LOOK at the earth here! How pretty everything is! Look at the grass and the trees, the flowers and all the animals. This is how God meant the earth to be and this is the way he prepared it for us in the beginning. The Bible says first, God made green grass to cover the land. And he made all kinds of small plants and bushes and trees. He did so with the purpose of making the earth pretty. But they do more than that. Many of them also give us foods that taste very good as well as produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, which are necessary for our survival. During the creation process God later made fish to swim in the water and birds to fly in the sky. He made dogs and cats and horses; big animals and small animals. Shouldn’t we be glad that God made all these things for us? Finally, God made one part of the earth a very special place. He called this place the garden of Eden. It was perfect. Everything about it was beautiful. And God wanted the whole earth to become just like this pretty garden he had made. - Genesis 1:11-25; 2:8, 9. Don’t you think you would love to live here? Wouldn’t you enjoy watching your children feed ALL the animals from their little hands? To watch lion, bears, horse and sheep etc. live in peace together with each other and humans. For me personally I just can’t wait!! God wants you to live forever on earth in a paradise. And he doesn’t want you to have any of the aches and pains that people suffer today. This is the Bible’s promise to those who will live in the new paradise: ‘God will be with them. There will be no more death or crying or pain. The old things have passed away.’ As King of God’s Kingdom to come Jesus will see to it that this wonderful change takes place. Do you know when? Yes, after he cleans the earth of all badness and bad people. Remember, when Jesus was on earth he healed people of all kinds of sicknesses, and he even raised people from the dead. Jesus did this to show what he would do all over the earth when he became King of God’s kingdom. Just think how wonderful it will be in the new paradise on earth! Jesus, along with some of those whom he chooses, will be ruling in heaven. These rulers will take care of everyone on earth and see that they are happy. - Matthew 6: 9,10; Revelation 21:3, 4; 5:9, 10; 14:1-3. But there are thing we need to do to make sure that God will give us everlasting life in his new paradise…do you know what they are? Don’t you think it’s worth finding out what they are and making every effort to do them? Learn more about God’s Promise of a New Paradise Earth that is SOON to come at JW.ORG.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 16:22:46 +0000

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