LOOK at who the Department of Homeland Security considers to the - TopicsExpress


LOOK at who the Department of Homeland Security considers to the biggest threat to America!? Im not surprised since Obamas senior security adviser Mohamed Elibiary is a full blown proud member of the Muslim Brotherhood and calls for Americans to accept this terrorist group. We are not a threat to anyone except the radical liberals and Muslims agenda. We have extreme radical liberals making decisions on American security that are based solely on who is a threat to liberals losing power. Just as the IRS targeted opposition conservatives, the DHS is labeling opposition as threats. I cant believe the label alternative media as a threat- anything that goes against the mass media this is straight out of a communist playbook! Its nearly illegal to love America. We should all be scared, Obama has already made it legal to kill any American who is deemed a threat without due process and he has already done so twice, FACT. They say they will go after terrorist groups (sounds good) but when Americans are deemed the threat its a radical plan to target opposition, just as they have been doing. DHS has setup local Fusion Centers to monitor everything we do. They monitor my page, your page, and are clearly linked in with the NSA. We are all threats to this administration just because we love our country. See the link below and find your local fusion center, maybe go pay them a visit. They are spying on us, lets return the favor and make sure they are not overstepping their boundaries. We need to expose whats going on. Fusion Center Locations and Contact Information | Homeland Security dhs.gov The Department of Homeland Security has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the dedication of more than 230,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspect...
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:57:17 +0000

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