LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY added August 23, 2011 by Dayton - TopicsExpress


LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY added August 23, 2011 by Dayton Keesee These words are surely addressed to praying people-like yourself. The Apostles were praying people, who upon hearing Jesus pray, still said:“Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). Would you like to improve your prayer life? G. Ashton Oldham might help our prayer life, when he wrote: “Prayer is the chief agency and activity whereby men align themselves with God’s purpose. Prayer does not consist in battering the walls of heaven for personal benefits or the success of our plans. Rather it is the committing of ourselves for the carrying out of His purposes. It is a telephone call to headquarters for orders. It is not bending God’s will to ours, but our will to God’s. In prayer, we tap vast reservoirs of spiritual power whereby God can find fuller entrance into the hearts of men.“¹ Oldham’s thoughts address three areas for us to consider when we pray: 1.God’s Purpose “Prayer is the chief agency...whereby men align themselves with God’s purpose.” Do my statements, supplications, requests, and remarks have God’s purposes in mind? Think of the brethren in Acts 4:23-31—who had been threatened by the Sanhedrin. With one accord, they still lifted up their voices to God concerning “whatsoever Your hand and Your counsel foreordained to come to pass” (v.28). Even with obvious danger involved, they centered on what God planned and purposed, turning any threatenings they faced over to God! Their prayerful desire was for His purposes to be fulfilled and for them to speak His Word with “all boldness” (v.29). 2.God’s Precepts Must Prevail: “It is not binding God’s will to ours, but our will to God’s.” Think of Jesus, in the shadow of death on the cross, praying in agonizing stress: “Father, if you are willing remove this cup from Me: nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:41-44). If there ever was a time for the Son of Man to vacillate or waver, that haunting future would have been the time. His faithful footprints are there to challenge us to do likewise. As such, prayer is the exhaling of our spirit that we may inhale the Spirit of God! 3.God’s power is incorporated into our soul and sprit. As Oldham stated: “..we tap vast reservoirs of spiritual power whereby God can find fuller entrance into the hearts of men.” Personal enhancement, heavenly help, and evangelistic outreach are thereby launched into our lives for the Lord. Paul said it best: “Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever, Amen” (Eph.3:20, 21) Check Your prayer life and see if these three potentials and procedures are present when You pray! ¹Frank S, Mead, 12,000 Inspirational Quotations, A Division of Merriam-Webster, Incor., Springfield, Massachusetts, 2004, p.345. Dayton Keesee
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 08:55:12 +0000

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