LOST!(Part Thirteen) - TopicsExpress


LOST!(Part Thirteen) Victor was standing adjacent to the door surprised by what was going on.Then the door opened!Who dares to cause a racass at my dominion?!asked a man opening the door.My name is David Lawrence,I dont know who you are and I dont care,but this is my house.replied Mr Lawrence.Well My name Is Lucas Stern the legal owner of this property.replied the man.I know Lucas and you dont resemble him.I dont know what kind of a game you playing.I dont like it!Now move and let me get inside my house!said Mr Lawrence raged and rushing inside the house-pushing the man to the ground.But when he got inside through the opened door,he stopped!Well...more like froze!.The door shut then the house went pitch black with darkness.He searched for the door handle and tried to open the door,but that was a blind attempt.Then he saw a radiance off bright lights emanating from his bedroom.Is anyone there?Mr Lawrence probbed but no soul replied.It was too dark Mr Lawrence kept on hitting walls untill he found the door with luminance...,who are you?asked Mr Lawrence.The man was kneeling on the floor with his head down.Then he looked up sight employed on Mr LawrenceOh my God,Dad?.exclaimed Mr Lawrence...Why is he not moving?Hes been standing there for the past fifteen minutes.Asked Faye.You people are freaks!shouted the older man.They were all confused-since what they were seeing was Mr Lawrence standing paralysed as if under sleep paralysis.I think Hes having a vision.Said Faye but Sheila and her Mom were still flabbagasted.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 06:05:12 +0000

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