LOUIS VUITTON LOVING KNEEGROS: MY QUESTION IS: 1. ARE YOU FAMILIAR WITH THE NOIR [BLACK] CODE?!? 2. WHAT[DAPHQUE] HAVE THE FRENCH DONE FOR YOU ..PERSONALLY?!? PLZ PEEP GAME, MNAGGAS!!! The Code noir (French pronunciation: [kɔd nwaʁ], Black Code) was a decree originally passed by Frances King Louis XIV in 1685. The Code Noir defined the conditions of slavery in the French colonial empire, restricted the activities of free Negroes, forbade the exercise of any religion other than Roman Catholicism (it included a provision that all slaves must be baptized and instructed in the Roman Catholic religion), and ordered all Jews out of Frances colonies. The Code Noir also gave plantation owners extreme disciplinary power over their slaves, including legitimizing corporal punishment as a method of maintaining control. The code has been described by Tyler Stovall as one of the most extensive official documents on race, slavery, and freedom ever drawn up in Europe.[1] ORIGINS In his 1987 analysis of the Code Noirs significance, Louis Sala-Molins claimed that its two primary objectives were to assert French sovereignty in her colonies and to secure the future of the cane sugar plantation economy. Central to these goals was control of the slave trade. The Code aimed to provide a legal framework for slavery, to establish protocols governing the conditions of colonial inhabitants, and to end the illegal slave trade. Religious morals also governed the crafting of the Code Noir; it was in part a result of the influence of the influx of Catholic leaders arriving in Martinique between 1673 and 1685. The Code Noir was one of the many laws inspired by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, who began to prepare the first (1685) version. After Colberts 1683 death, his son, the Marquis de Seignelay, completed the document. It was ratified by Louis XIV and adopted by the Saint-Domingue sovereign council in 1687 after it was rejected by the parliament. The second version of the code was passed by Louis XV at age 13 in 1724. It then was applied in the West Indies in 1687, Guyana in 1704, Réunion in 1723, and Louisiana in 1724. In Canada, slavery received legal foundation from the King from 1689-1709. The Code Noir was not intended for or applied in New Frances Canadian colony. In Canada, there never was legislation regulating slavery, no doubt because of the small number of slaves. Nevertheless, the intendant Raudot issued an ordinance in 1709 that legalized slavery. see Virtual Museum of New France en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_Noir
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 00:49:24 +0000

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