LOVE IS NOT UNDERSTOOD UNTIL IT IS SEEN TO BE CONSTANT AND CONSISTENT August 13 2013 Anthony Whitehouse CS There is an aspect to Love/God we need to understand because without this aspect we have not really understood the nature of Love. We may have perceived and experienced it but we have not understood it. Unless we understand these aspects of Love we do not have a Science we can apply. Love must be understood as a CONSTANT feature in our lives otherwise we have not really grasped the one feature of Love which gives it power. When Love is understood to be a constant presence in our lives it takes on great power because it carries with it the realization that its CONSTANT nature MUST displace sin, sickness and death because these things cannot stand in the place of CONSTANT love. Nonetheless the Bible reminds us that we must also reflect the constancy of Love in being constant ourselves : 1Ch_28:7 Moreover I will establish his kingdom for ever, if he be constant to do my commandments and my judgments, as at this day. Constancy must be an essential feature of Love because it would hardly be loving for God to only be available and present with us on a transitory basis. Love must be constant or it would not be divine love, it would be human affection. If we are suffering from the ebbing and flowing of health in all its forms, schizophrenia or palpitations where are we going to find the metaphysical power to contradict and destroy the inconstancy inherent in these diseases ? In the nature of CONSTANT love of course! It is interesting to find that the lesson sermon this week on the issue of Soul has several passages which intimate constancy and cement our sense of God as an ever present constant factor in our lives: 1. I will set my tabernacle ( of constancy) among you 2. Thy dominion endureth throughout all generations ( by virtue of your constancy 3. The grandeur and bliss of a spiritual sense.. (depends on the constancy which is inherent in bliss) 4. Oh Lord thou are a shield for me : (because of your constancy) 5. These things will I do for them and not forsake them. ( Constant love cannot forsake us.) 6. If we array thought in mortal vestures (inconstancy) it must lose its immortal nature. It is also interesting to realize that within the ambit of age issues, the remedy for such challenges lies in the realization that our lives depend on a constant sense of perfection and purity. Age implies a lack of constancy and a wearing out of faculties. And yet with a constant sense of God , a constant sense of the pristine , unimpairability ( you’re right.. not an official word) of our faculties and qualities there is no room for ageing at all. Allied to this sense of constancy is also the consistent nature of Love. Consistency differs from constancy in that it implies that not only is Love constantly present but it is also present in a universal and uniform manner. It is to be found everywhere in exactly the same measure and with the exactly the same nature. It cannot be avoided. I was interested to hear Stephen Hawking the physicist pointing out that before the big bang, a perfectly uniform field of energy existed where every particle of energy was equidistant from every other particle. What gave rise to the big bang was the tiniest of aberrations in that consistency. The aberrations gave rise to coalescence of energy particles and the formation of matter. Such is the cost of inconsistency and inconstancy. All of a sudden we have a material creation to deal with. It was interesting therefore to find in the lesson sermon this week the following quotation from Science and Health “The divine Science of man ( the nature of Love ) is woven into one web of consistency with seam or rent.” S&H 242:25 If we wish to understand the full impact of this Christ Science it is essential we see the constant consistent nature of Love.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 09:13:52 +0000

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