LOVE LETTERS TO MY SPIRITUAL MOTHER/FATHER & THOSE WHOM GOD HAS USED TO MENTOR AND ENCOURAGE ME OVER THE YEARS TODAY, I feel such an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the men and women God has used to impact my life either as a spiritual parent or as spiritual siblings or spiritual mentors and as sources of encouragement and inspiration in my life. These are the people who have poured into my life, have believed in my destiny and my God ordained purpose.They have planted seeds of either knowledge and wisdom, or prayer and encouragement and in some cases even financially.I am COMPELLED by LOVE to write this love letter to them! I want to thank God for Pst Oupa Rampa and my big Brother Craff Odirle whom God used jointly to lead me to the Lord in 1983.You relentlessly pursued me with a zeal and oneness of mind even though many had given up on me and just knew me to be a party girl. Please know that each time the Lord send me out on many global missions, you have a share in those missions.It is because of your obedience and your tenacity that I have the privilege of going into the nations to preach this life-changing gospel. I want to thank God for my first Pastor-Pastor Sam Makhaola Snr from Assemblies of God, in Gaborone , Botswana who Pastored me in the early 80s up until the early 90s.You went home to be with the Lord many years ago and were not only my biological relative but were also a spiritual father to me and were such a blessing to me that even when I felt God wanted me to move on to another assembly, you happily released me into my next season with a blessing and made sure to keep checking on my spiritual progress. I want to thank God for Dr. Enock Sitima who was my Pastor from 1992-2000, when I left Botswana for South Africa. A man who encouraged me and believed in my destiny in Christ.Thank you for the privilege of serving in Bible Life ministry and entrusting me with the many different leadership roles during that time. The years spent at Bible Life were truly memorable years and defining ones! I want to thank God for Mama Rev. Elizabeth Austin-Rev Mighty Prophetess and my spiritual mother from 1993- Jan 2008 when you went home to be with the Lord.I still have yet to meet a women with the level of prophetic accuracy that you had Mama.You went through many challenges while on earth mama, family challenges as well as health but your complete love for the Lord and commitment to the Kingdom assignment stand as a memorial before me to continue to encourage me, even when things are tough. You left the comfort of your home in Texas, USA to be a global missionary.I believe that the grace for the nations that I have was influenced by your own grace.I still remember the testimonies you gave of smuggling bibles into China and having to disguise yourself to preach the gospel in some African countries that did not want the gospel to be preached. I still remember how you would go to preach the gospel in 4 inch stiletto white boots in the villages and insist that you needed those boots to keep the mosquitoes at bay. Ha ha ha! Your testimony Mama Liz speaks to me every day and along with the Precious Holy Spirit provokes me to get up even when I dont feel like it.I miss you and your love. You were a mother in spirit and in truth and have helped me learn what it means to be a real mother. I want to thank God for my mentor Dr. Mensa Otabil who mentored me from 1992-1999. You always believed in me and encouraged me.I still remember the day in 1992, when I was serving you as a member of the hospitality department and you looked at me and said in your very deep voice-MIGHTY WOMAN OF GOD.Your voice was like thunder and I looked back to see who you were talking about and you pointed at me and said YOU, I am talking about you! Wow, you were one of the first people to see the gift and calling in my life and always made sure to encourage me.Even when you came to preach at our Church conferences and found me out on a mission, you would always look out for me.I would come back to Church after the conference to hear that Dr. Otabil was asking from the pulpit-Where is Pearl? Thank you for the wealth of wisdom that you deposited in me! I want to thank God for Apostle Gbile Akaani, my mentor from 1999-2001, a humble man whom along with his precious wife Pst Sade showed me a love that is unique.I have not seen you for over a decade but the impact you made in my life is undeniable. I love you with the love of the Lord and look forward to being reconnected with you, so I can update on what the Lord had done and enjoy your fellowship and wisdom once again. I want to thank God for my spiritual brothers Pst Fifiie Pentsil (USA), Apostle Michael Adefarasin(Nigeria) and Pst Chris Delvan (Nigeria) in particular, who have been a constant in my life, especially over the past couple of years.Two of the three brothers mentioned here, continuously harrass and tease and torment me, as real brothers would to a biological sister.I wont embarrass you on facebook but YOU know who you ARE! You have all encouraged me and pushed me to be the best Pearl I can be.Thank you for your presence in my life! I want to also thank God for my spiritual sister Pst Maureen Shana.Snr Pastor, Word of Life Kingdom Chamber of Commerce in Afrika ternational Ministries I love the emails you send every now and them checking on my welfare.I love and appreciate you my covenant sister.Keep on impacting the nations with your fire I want to thank God for another mentor Apostle Emmanuel Kure and his wife Pst Martha Kure. The love and attention I have received from you is nothing short of miraculous.Thank you for continuing to believe in me.To Pst Martha Kure, thank you for the phone calls you make to check if I am alright and for the prayer you have prayed concerning my protection.To Pst Emmanuel Kure, thank you for your consistent emails of encouragement and prophetic words and the unshakeable belief you have in the gift, calling and grace that God has place on my life. You have not wavered in your support for me and have consistently shown me love in many different ways over the years. I want to thank God for Ngaka, Prophetess & Dr. Mitchell, a prophetess and powerful minister of God who has been a wonderful spiritual sister to me.We were connected through Mama Elizabeth Austin and the Lord found a way of connecting us even after she had gone home to be with the Lord.Thank you for your selfless and relentless service towards me and for the belief you have in my calling. I want to thank God for Apostle George and his wife PastorGrace Akalonu. Apostle George, as the INternational President of IMF has been a source of inspiration since I met him in 2011 in Johannesburg, SOuth Africa. Thank you for believing in me and the calling on my life and for entrusting me with the responsibility of leading IMF, SADC, Southern Africa region.You have graciously served on our ministry Boards and brought much added value and direction to the ministry of Kingdom Chamber of Commerce in Afrika, in particular.You have been a constant source of encouragement and love over the past few years. I wan to thank God for my brother and sister Pastors Jerry and Jana Lackey. I have DELIBERATELY left out the word spiritual bother and sister.Even though we are not biologically related, you have been real family to me over the years.Can you believe that its been sixteen years now since we first met.Our youngest children were only a few months old then and now Mason and Kelitah and 17 years old. Thank you for your encouragement over the years.Becoming the Aglow President, Botswana from 1999 onwards was because of the conviction in your heart Jana.Aglow International was instrumental in shaping me on Kingdom leadership issues.Love you Jerry and jana and an;t wait for your visit on Friday Jana with Mama and Michelle. I want to thank God for my spiritual father, Dr. Abu Bako, one of the very few people I have ever seen operate efficiently and accurately as an Apostle, Prophet, Teacher and Pastor.I have been encouraged to see that is is possible to LIVE the life that one preaches about.In a season where many men and women compromise the gospel, you cannot be counted among them.Your knowledge of the Bible is incomparable, hence your nickname-the walking Bible.You not only know the whole bible, but you know several versions of it and you have an understanding of it that is rare!You and your wife Pastor TEA continue to impact my life so powerfully constantly and consistently.I always look forward to your visits with bated breath as I know I will be revived, inspired and provoked. There are many who are looking for the opportunity to sit under your parenting and I am thankful that Abba Father chose me to enter into this covenant relationship with you.You have not allowed anyone or anything to break this covenant because the one thing you know how to do better than most is to HEAR GOD. Thank you Baba Abu for sharpening my ability to hear God and obey His will and for teaching me to never ALLOW ANYONE to take me out of Gods will for my life.The Lord increase and richly reward you for who you are to me and for the inestimable value you are to me! Love you much much oooo! This is not an exhaustive list.There are people who have played important roles in my life and who have been such blessings but this is the list that I felt led to thank publicly on facebook today. Some of you may not see this love letter because you are not on facebook or for another reason but I had to salute you all today.You have been blessings that have added no sorrow! May God richly reward you for every deposit you have made in my life. WIth Agape Love, Pearl
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 07:06:14 +0000

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