LUXEMBOURG JUSTICE : A man steals TOOTHPASTE from a supermarket - TopicsExpress


LUXEMBOURG JUSTICE : A man steals TOOTHPASTE from a supermarket and gets jailed for MONEY LAUNDERING, making a mockery of the law and ridiculing Money Laundering by artfully deforming the article 506-1, section 3 of the penal code on money laundering. The display of ABSURD and ARROGANT determination to minimize and RIDICULE the important Fight against Money Laundering A PERFECT EXAMPLE of LUXEMBOURG JUSTICE! This is NOT a JOKE… this is the system the Landsbanki victims are up against.. a MUST read! A man steals TOOTHPASTE from a supermarket and gets jailed for MONEY LAUNDERING, making a mockery of the law and ridiculing Money Laundering by artfully deforming the article 506-1, section 3 of the penal code on money laundering. In STARK contrast lawyer Yvette HAMILIUS, breaches European Law and refuses to report financial crimes and abuse and gets congratulated by the President of the bar (her lawyer) and also by the Luxembourg Court A PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION OF GROSS ABUSE OF POWER which should be immediately be taken on board by the European Commission, especially in view of the abuse of hundreds of European pensioners victims of the fraudulent administration and bankruptcy of Landsbanki Luxembourg in the hands of a power-crazed lawyer who has refused to denounce the false acounting by Luxembourgs star, PRICE WATERHOUSE COOPER and the Landsbanki employees she has kept bound and gagged by confidentiality clauses. THE TRUTH is coming out and will not be stopped! LUXEMBOURG’S display of it’s ABSURD and ARROGANT determination to minimize and RIDICULE the important Fight against Money Laundering The (DIRTY) blow by Luxembourg Judiciary to ridicule European Law and treat the Court as a playground for arrogant circus-performing lawyers and judges who worked zealously to incriminate a man for MONEY LAUNDERING for stealing TOOTHPASTE from a supermarket! Luxembourg trivialises money laundering and makes a mockery of the E.U. Once again, Luxembourg Criminal Court deliberately makes a mockery of European Law, just to show the world that in Luxembourg one protects White Collar Crime and NOT the ordinary citizen. Delinquency due to hunger and the despair of being in an unjust ‘system’, which STEALS from the poor, LOOTS from the neighbours, ROBS from the elderly and DESTROYS small businesses, is punished as a WHITE-COLLAR crime! YES…In Luxembourg,, February 2012, the man found guilty of the theft of TOOTHPASTE, shaving foam, children’s clothes from a a supermarket, is condemned for MONEY LAUNDERING, sent to PRISON for 3 months without appeal, whilst a Luxembourg powerful lawyer Yvette HAMILIUS, wallowing in Conflict of Interests and misappropriated power is congratulated in Court for having breached European law and colluded in the obfuscation of false accounting ( PwC then Deloitte’s ) and illegal loans, missing money and other financial crimes of a Luxembourg subsidiary of an Icelandic bank needing Luxembourg to run it’s DIRTY tricks through. LANDSBANKI Luxembourg S.A. under Criminal investigation everywhere ... except Luxembourg which is terrifed of investigating the fruadulent accoutns and having EGG on their face in the international forum! The protected Fluncker Juncker friend, the wayward administrator who refuses to step down despite her untenable position, seems to have LOST the accounting evidence as she simply cannot produce it for 6 years...! Oooops!! (She, Hamilius and pals might say.. PHEeeew... thank goodness for Price Waterhouse Cooper and Deloittes magic circus accounting pens who can make accouts disappear and help transform creditors into debtors before pal Karine declares bankruptcy!) The parallels between this imprisoned toothpaste-stealing ‘Luxembourg Money Launderer” case and the Landsbanki-Hamilius case, are clear. In the light of the sordid Landsbanki- Hamilius scandal Luxembourg has paid no attention to, as we like the man stealing toothpaste and children’s clothes from a supermarket, are just ordinary European citizens, mostly pensioners, NOT powerful bankers and corporations to be treated to the dirty Red carpet, flowery promises of ‘special’ judicial protection that a dictator or a fraudster and bankster would expect from Luxembourg. The powerful over-confident judges worked so fast and zealously on the condemnation of a toothpaste thief that even Luxembourg has doubts as to the honourability of the Judges intentions in this mockery of E.U. law. LUXEMBOURG DEMONSTRATION of POWER over Europe Was this another example of Luxembourg’s demonstration of the power of it’s rotten justice system? Was this show-off Circus performance to demonstrate the absurdity of the anti-money laundering ratification Luxembourg must find ‘uncomfortable’ in view of the refusal to allow any accounting audits of the BCL or Clearstream Luxembourg banks, otherwise known as Europe’s LAUNDROMAT? We all know Luxembourg’s crafty, Luc Frieden ( the chicken- guy who ran away to London to hide in Luxemborug-protective German Deutchbank), did NOT want to sign anything that would put a spanner in the workings of Europe’s Giant Laundromat . BUT Luc Frieden and Laxilux was against the wall in 2008, surrounded by bankruptcies of all the toxic banks Luxembourg had been enabling and harbouring and they were nailed in an uncomfortable corner by FATF which is the action Group AGAINST MONEY LAUNDERING and FINANCIAL TERRORISM! Imagine how welcome that group was with the Juncker-Hamilius-Frieden-Biever- Guillaume-PwC-Deloitte’s- Grasso cabale?? This FATF action group had actually dared to stand up to the LUXEMBOURG “SYSTEM” and threatened to put Laxilux on the BLACK LIST for VERY DIRTY MONEY and overtime, round-the -clock laundering! The as-always- RELUCTANT ratification by Luxembourg of the Act on July 17th 2008, was intended to fight Financial Crime and collusion in it, not toothpaste and children’s clothing thieves in supermarkets. But, Luxembourg always likes to show the world how clever it is by displays of arrogance and firework displays of the power of MONEY over DECENCY, LAW and ETHICS . It appears to be a very Luxembourg tendency the world is only beginning to see the extent of. The fraudulent Landsbanki bankruptcy administration is just another Luxembroug Circus performance which was supposed to take place behind CLOSED DOORS, so the world would not notice the outrageous abuse of hundreds of old pensioners and consumers who have lost their homes or small businesses because of the refusal by a Luxemborug lawyer, protected by her rotten clan and Jean-Claude Juncker, of course, who have refused to denounce one of the main Circus performers of Luxembroug’s 4 stars. The magic Cricus performer behind VERY closed doors… PRICE WATERHOUSE COOPER’S , the Luxembourg Virgin of False accounting and disapperaing funds, ( very handy in fraudulent bankruptcies and administrations wanting to whitewash financial crimes and laundering)! This Behind-Closed-doors judgement was supposed to be a Luxembourg ‘IN’ joke, one supposes. However, as you can imagine, this story has LEAKED out and has SHOCKED all that heard of this mockery of law and abuse of a citizen. Luxembourg Judiciary is exposed as ABSURD and FEROCIOUSLY VINDICTIVE , unless the crime concerns serious Financial Crime , collusion and money laundering in which case a big can of whitewash is applied by zealous, short-sighted fools who do not care about the damage they are doing to the future of their little country they will never be able to whitewash without naming and shaming those responsible who MUST GO as a measure of protection of Luxembourgs future. The day of pretending there is “NO PROBLEM in the file”, as Luxembroug’s favourite delinquent lawyer chants ad infinitum, is OVER. The sh** has hit the fan and about time too! In Luxembourg the great and GOOD have tried to help their country to wake up and see the damage the systematic collusion in Financial Crimes, has ravaged Luxembroug with. There have been conscientious lawyers, journalists, judges, Dr’s, students, politicians, musicians, actors, parents, grandparents and of course thousands of decent Luxembourg citizens who have been TRYING hard to tell the out-of –control arrogant people in power, that Luxembourg was going down the drain because of the ROTTEN and DISGRACEFUL abuse of law and ethics by some members of the judiciary, government and press who have REFUSED point blank to do their duty and expose the level of corruption in Luxembourg and how terrible it was that Juncker , of all people should be in control of Europe. Everyone knew it was a disaster and yet so few dared say so. The ALJB, diplomatically, walking on eggs, did it’s best to protect Luxembourg as they knew the judiciary had done a Circus performance too many, which the government was foolish to ignore and which the press should have properly informed the citizens of Luxembourg about. The lawyer’s newsletter on BANK LAW, however devoted 16 pages to this Circus performance and mockery of E.U. law on Money Laundering. The ASSOCIATION of BANK LAWYERS ALJB said that in Luxembourg a toothpaste thief is therefore, in application of the Penal code of law, in the Court of Appeal and in the Supreme Court ruled GUILTY of MONEY LAUNDERING. (no comment!) Nearly ALL lawyers in Luxembourg work for the Finance Sector as that is where lawyers are most needed, as we can see by the beginning of the exposure of what Luxembourg thought could be contained behind Closed Doors, in the Luxleaks evidence. The European Commission, BEFORE Juncker, of course, asked for a REPORT on the Luxembourg Landsbanki scandal which both governments, Juncker and Bettel have brushed aside and ignored and which the rotten part of the Luxembourg judiciary which zealously and vehemently PROTECTS the worst financial crimes in the Luxembroug banking and finance place, have turned into an International spectacle of unprecedented abuse of law, abuse of human rights, of ethics and above all of everything Europe should be standing for. People are asking whether Europe should stand at all, with a Laxumberg Fluncker Juncker as it’s controlling President. Will the citizens of Europe accept that Juncker should turn Europe into a dirty Luxembourg laundromat with the sole purpose of laundering very SERIOUS FINANCIAL CRIME and making the world a poorer and more corrupt place? We do not think the citizens will accept, even if those Juncker put in place, in the European commission, do not want to lose their warm & comfortable seat and give him a vote of “CONFIDENCE”. There is NO confidence in Luxembroug and Jean-Claude Juncker IS the personification of Luxembourg and all the rot that this country has done to consumers and small businesses as it has pillared and looted and thought it was too powerful to stop. The Luxembourg Juncker/Frieden government is undoubtedly at fault for having conveniently limited of the anti-money laundering Act by drawing up a list of primary offences falling within the scope of money laundering! Crafty crafty! However, in 2008, that same Government was spurred on by the Prosecutor and the Minister of Justice at the time, Luc Frieden, CSV as well as members of the majority and so toothpaste theft became MONEY LAUNDERING and Money laundering became NO PROBLEM IN THE FILE! A mockery and a trivialization of money-laundering was put into Luxembourg Law.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 10:01:16 +0000

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