La douleur au cœur de la NPP Not withstanding the peace mantra, - TopicsExpress


La douleur au cœur de la NPP Not withstanding the peace mantra, we cannot afford to fail to holistically do a postmortem of the just ended election petition and here i take an account of the nightmare it has brought to the door step of the New Patriotic Party. In general terms, the NPP will console itself for haven kept the peace and shown the way to a more democratic process of disagreeing but certainly that will be a cliche for the rank and file, any serious king pin of the NPP is by now counting the damaging effect of their failed adventure to make Nana President of Ghana, haven critically given such a topic a thought, i its implications to your notice. Primarily it is of no doubt that the NPP will as a matter of urgency be planning to on how to recoup it lost reputation at the arena of international diplomacy. Since all international observers and our local observers of the 2012 election have largely credited the election to have been free and fair, it was then clear that there was no need for a court action but to as a matter of international protocol accept the verdict but not to have done that and now haven shamefully come out of court, the only words the international community represented by the observers would share is that the NPP is not a listening party. May I also concern myself with the internal development that saw the whole machinery of the NPP spiting vitriolic words at the NDC and the electoral commission, I do not want to be too petty but if you consider the attacks in regards of thieves, criminals and all the inhuman manner in which the EC boss Dr. Afari Gyan was described and now haven considered that the man will still remain at post to conduct the next election, 2016 where the NPP will be a major player, then certainly the NPP has more than an apology to render, the relationship with the NPP has been badly ruin and at this point in time I call on Dr. Wereko Brobbey even though suspended to come for his stone and Dr. Arthur Kennedy when the both posit that the NPP sees all opposing view as an enemy. If you are a Ghanaian, you will as much be well informed that the NPP is a braggart as far as legal issues are concern and to support this they have made us well informed they have the best lawyers even in the history of Ghana and will remain so. We saw almost a football team of 12 lawyers representing and defending the NPP whilst we saw i think 4 or 3 for EC and 2 lawyers each for NDC and the president but at the end it was a 9-0 verdict in general. This sharply bring into mind the theory of quality and quantity and what matters in life is the former. Can the NPP now vaunt to be the legal hub in Ghana? Let it remain a question because attempt to answer will be an embarrassment. If we say, them say we lie or we be bias communicators but you and I know say this whole thing is part of a scheme to prepare Dr. Bawumia as the next presidential candidate, when concern should be given to his presentation it was given to the persona, finally the man who clinched to the phrase "you and I were not there" really proved the judges too were not there hence the judgement, so has the conspiracy of making Bawumia more opportune that Alan cash failed or not? Star witness indeed, go to back to Uganda or where self and continue with your banking business, that is your destiny and that is where you are good. Any serious political analyst cannot pick the NPP for a likely win for 2016, WHY? Nana is out, new candidate will plug the party into serious problems and JM go do the job, so what its clear. The issues are many my girl friend is complaining of attention, watch this space for more BUT it is important for you to know that the elephant has been badly wounded and would not want to leave the bush to land again. -CD
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 15:55:25 +0000

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