Lack of poetry Words, why dont you come to me While Im - TopicsExpress


Lack of poetry Words, why dont you come to me While Im contemplating the tree, the leaves leaving home, dancing, floating, running through my body Why dont you come to me And free me of the pain thats eating every piece of love in every cell of matter in every little space of life Why dont you come to me Let my mouth express what the senses run into, let my soul extend to the world, to the nature, the buddhas and lost souls Oh words, why are you so thin, so light and dying, always dying, born dead, you dont carry my feelings, you dont make me travel outside of me, you make me stay here, you dont give me freedom, you let me locked into this body, bones, holy fleshy cage that never leaves me, that attaches me to the ground, keeps me from flying, from being there with you, from feeling you, the earth and universe. Cant you help me be somewhere else? Cant you help me go beyond this, beyond ignorance and fear? Words, little birds of mens reality, you allowed some brothers and sisters of mine to share their lives, feelings, sensations. Why dont you let me in? Please let me enter your holy space, let me feel love and eternity through your eyes and ears and skin, please let me talk about love through you, let me share the fear and grace with them. Men are no angels, they need you, they need codes to interpret, to see what there are in, reality, vibrations, energy. We still need you, words, to cross the road and help others step into the river. We need you to give our hands to the ones who fall, the ones who lay on the ground, injured, sick and suffering. We need you to change fear into love, to open the enslaved minds around us, to free our own limited souls trapped into the big big lie, illusion, organisation, Hell. Yes, words, I raise my arms to the sky, to the gods, angels and light, I pray all the time, every second of this life, in the street, in my bed, in my lovers arms, in the glass of wine, in the sound of African music and in my friends dancing bodies, I pray and ask you to help us reach the riverside, swim and walk on the other bank, look back and never never forget the ones who are left behind, then I ask you to make us talk, talk with the voice of love, of sacred, the voice of light and life. Let us feel it and speak with this voice of unlimited compassion, let the voice of eternal love raise on our planet and invade every cell of every being of every soul every heart. Make us cry of joy so that the ones who cry of sadness open their eyes and heart to you, so that madness, hate and division fade away, change into dust and let space be filled with trees and smiles, and union. Words, please, be divine.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:28:25 +0000

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