Lake Tahoe Nevada State Park Position Statement on the TAMBA Snow - TopicsExpress


Lake Tahoe Nevada State Park Position Statement on the TAMBA Snow Valley Peak TRT Use Change Proposal “LTNSP would support pursuing a multi-use policy with no even/odd or other restriction on the upper (approx.) 4 miles of [the] TRT - Hobart Road to North Canyon campground connector, including the connector itself. The Park, however, does not support removing restrictions on the lower 4 miles of [the] TRT - top of the North Canyon connector to Spooner Summit. In consideration of stakeholder input and our own experience, Park Managers feel there is a more compelling case here for a protected settling down section that will allow horses some time to calm from a high energy and easily startled level that may be exacerbated by the sharp turns with low sight distance encountered on this more densely vegetated area. Although trail usage here is not as high as other major trailheads, it is still significant and diverse, especially on weekends, with many seniors, children and pets on the trail, many of which are doing short out and back trips.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:26:47 +0000

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