Landon Riddle’s Story Stoners and protesters a like can’t - TopicsExpress


Landon Riddle’s Story Stoners and protesters a like can’t argue that children going through chemotherapy is one of the saddest sights around. It’s children especially that deserve the best cure for their illnesses. brandon riddles story stonerdays Lately, it seems like the best cure around is cannabis. Just ask the Riddle family from Colorado Springs. They, along with many others, know firsthand that cannabis isn’t just for potheads anymore. Landon Riddle, the 3-year-old son of Sierra Riddle, has an aggressive form of leukemia. As is the norm, the young child was put on radiation and chemotherapy, which took a devastating toll on his overall well being. Landon Riddle Cannabis Cure StonerDays (1) Shortly after starting treatment, Landon’s health began to deteriorate at an alarming rate. He was vomiting multiple times a day and developed severe nerve damage in his legs. The boy was incredibly sick and on a constant diet of Morphine, Ativan, and Promethexane. Landon-Riddle-Cannabis-Cure-StonerDays But when nothing seemed to work and Landon still got worse, Sierra turned to medical marijuana to help her child. Landons Riddles cannabis cure She even moved them from Salt Lake City to Colorado Springs so that Landon could get the medicine he needed. Landon started his cannabis oil treatment in January of 2013. Miraculously, the cancer started to recede, causing doctors to scratch their heads. Riddle continued the cannabis treatment and took Landon off of chemotherapy in July. Landon-Riddle-Cannabis-Cure-StonerDays-(7) Unfortunately for Sierra, not everyone agreed that the child should be off of chemo. A doctor actually threatened to call Child Protective Services on the family, which ended up with an agent knocking on the Riddle’s doors. Regardless of that ignorant doctor’s disbelief, Landon has improved drastically, going from a lethargic, sick little boy to a running, playing, happy 3-year-old. Landon-Riddle-Cannabis-Cure-StonerDays Unfortunately for the family, the government has stuck it’s big nose where it doesn’t belong and has required that Landon be put back in chemo, even though Landon is already in remission. Sierra stated that forcing her to do this to her child is abuse, which I can’t say I disagree with. Children should definitely not have to go through chemotherapy if there is a natural, side effect free cure available. Since the courts actually threatened to remove Landon from Sierra’s care, the mother has no choice but to put her son back on the awful regimen of chemo. He is still getting cannabis but his mother wants him off permanently. Chemotherapy is severely damaging, especially in this case with the nerve damage to Landon’s legs. This is a huge infringement on parental rights and the rights of the child. LANDON1 As of right now, Landon and his family are raising money to get Landon the treatment he deserves through a doctor in Arizona. That doctor has said that he will drastically change the course of treatment for the three year old. Landon will get less steroids and far less chemo. We can only hope that the child will be allowed to use a natural cure rather than the poisonous “treatment” known as chemotherapy. Other children as well should be able to avoid suffering in chemotherapy and be able to live their childhoods happily. Stonerdays sends positive vibes and well wishes to Landon and his family for being so strong! GO CANNABIS! Landon and his mom stonerdays - See more at: stonerdays/landon-riddles-story/#sthash.mLQQHSad.dpuf
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 04:03:56 +0000

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