Last Monday, I was having a conversation with a student pharmacist - TopicsExpress


Last Monday, I was having a conversation with a student pharmacist in the ICU. I asked her when she would be finished with school, and what her plans were after she graduated. She said, I finish in May, and hopefully after that I will be able to land a residency somewhere. I asked, What happens if you dont complete a residency? She said, I wont be able to work in the hospital acute care setting, and will pretty much be relegated to working Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS. Thats something I dont want to do because I want to use everything that I have learned in school. I asked, So the competition for residencies must be pretty high then? She nodded her head and said, Yes, because there are more opportunities for those that complete residency. The following Saturday, I worked again in the ICU. I ordered some labs for my patient, and the lab technician that came to draw blood was a buddy of mine that I hadnt seen in over 5 months. The last time I spoke to him, he was still in school to be a pharmacist. I asked, Wassup man! Hows school? He said, I finished school and I even passed my board exams. I said, Wow! Thats awesome! After all that work you put in and all that youve gone through, youre finished. Whats your plan now? Residency? Before I tell you what he said, I have to detail the trials this guy went through to get to this point. You see, Ive been talking to him and following his journey before and through school for over 3 years. The guy is the epitome of a hard worker. At one point he even got physically sick from exhaustion because he was commuting to school in Sacramento, studying and working all at the same time. The last conversation I had with him, he vented to me about how mean the people at his last clinical rotation treated him. He really felt like they were discriminating against him because of his race. I encouraged him to speak up about it and document everything that was said to him: dates, times, what was said and the way they made him feel. I said, You cant let that slide bro. The more detailed your report of whats going on, the more credible your claim of discrimination appears. He thanked me for the advice, but I was unable to follow up with him....until this past Saturday. SO after saying that he finished school and passed his board exam, he said, I already have 2 offers on the table. One of them is for a clinical pharmacist in a local hospital, and I havent even done my residency. Recalling what I had curiously learned from my conversation with the student on Monday, I said, Whoa! You mean you got an offer to work in the hospital without having completed a residency? I though that was impossible? He said, Usually it is, so its super rare for it to happen. I interviewed for the job and they loved me. I am literally in disbelief bro. I said, Wow! After all that youve been through. Being exhausted, the hell you went through with that clinical rotation. This is amazing.... It was then that I noticed he was wearing a silver and black bracelet with Crosses on it. (I already knew he was follower of Christ from our past conversations). I felt The Spirit move and I said, You say youre in disbelief. Do you know why? (pointing at the Cross on his bracelet) God is Good all the time! This is God paying you back for being faithful and hardworking bro. Youre in disbelief because He has exceeded your expectations and His Word says: Ephesians 3:20 (KJV) 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, We gave each other a fist pump, both pointed to the sky, then he said while nodding in agreement, Amen! It has to be God. Im still in complete shock. I stay continually amazed at how The Lord orders my steps and places people in my path, whose testimonies of triumph need to be told. This story was three years in the making, so it is my hope that you will gain an understanding that only God has the final say in your difficult situation- and more importantly, it is faith and perseverance that give you the ears to hear Him clearly. Be encouraged yall because Jesus is alive! Matthew 19:26 (NIV) 26 Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.-- a (James 1:2-4 NIV)
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 03:34:01 +0000

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