Last night Allen and I got the worst text you could possibly get - TopicsExpress


Last night Allen and I got the worst text you could possibly get late at night. Olivia had had another severe seizure and had stopped breathing and began to turn blue. 911 was called and they were in route to the hospital. While I completely shut down, and literally fell to the ground in tears, my husband proved once again how strong he is for me, even when he is upset himself. I couldnt make sense of anything, couldnt find clothes, it was like walking in fog. He got himself dressed in less than 30 seconds, then helped me to get dressed, and got us on the road in less than 5 minutes. All while praying out loud, and calling and texting friends and family telling them to hit their knees. We got to the hospital the same time as the ambulance somehow and I saw her face and relief flooded my entire body. She was ok. Still having seizures but still fighting strong! Liv was in the ER till about 4 this morning. She has a UTI which they are hoping is the reason for the increased seizures. They have started a new seizure med, along with antibiotics for the uti, and this morning she is headed to Nola to meet with her neurologist! I am begging all of you to please pray for sweet Livvy! She continues to fight this devil of a disease and I continue to be amazed at her strength! Thank you to Brandi Stack for taking such great care of my heart last night! Thank you to all of you that were on standby, praying with us last night. It truly means means the world to us and we love you all!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 16:39:13 +0000

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