Last night I had the worse case of dreaming about my teeth - TopicsExpress


Last night I had the worse case of dreaming about my teeth chipping, breaking, grinding, cracking, and falling out to the floor. Every last tooth. Ive researched it before. The causes seem to be : A costly compromise or decision. Things are falling apart. Feeling powerless. Fear of the effect of aging on health and body. Feeling of loss. Anxiety about losing effectiveness or power in social life. Depression. Insecurities, especially about a personal loss. lack of balance in your life. Intensity of the emotions in the dream are a reflection of tension felt in life. Doesnt sound good. People dont realize the constant battles and struggles we all face on a daily basis. Yea I am a happy guy, love life, but I am also struggling, dealing with a lot. Working 2 dead end jobs and going nowhere. Not even making enough. This whole world has gone to shit and is not even close to same how it was 6 years ago. I keep pushing but Im so sick and tired of it all. I want to feel comfortable in life. I have had my shares of ups and downs who hasnt? Its times like these I look up to superheroes. People wonder why superheroes and being a nerd. Well nerd life is the best first off, and secondly they bring hope where their is none. I wish I could make this world a better place. I want to get up and leave this town and never look back. I so want to just back pack the world! Leave everything I once knew and loved behind. Start fresh. One day....
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 18:10:47 +0000

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