Last night, I was watching, Inside Guantanamo, and today, I want - TopicsExpress


Last night, I was watching, Inside Guantanamo, and today, I want to talk to you a little about that. You all remember there were many people believing that we were torturing people down there, but I would like to expose to you what is really going on there. The people who are being held there have movie night, they have, chess tables, books, a basketball court. Also, they can choose between foods that have meals that respect Islam, and vegetarian. These are the same people who are some of the most dangerous people on Earth. Even the people at Camp 7, like Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Ramzi Bin Al Shibh and the many others who are behind 9/11, the Cole and the Kenya/Tanzania Bombings are exposed to this special treatment. They have their Korans and prayer rugs, and by the way, never can one of the guards that are not Muslim deliver those two things. It causes all offense if you are not a Muslim and you touch the Koran. Oh, yeah we are forcing them to wear those orangey pink prison style clothes, like anyone whos locked up anywhere, thats torture in some of your minds. Or we are mistreating them that way. Even if it was, did they treat us well on 9/11, or treat those people they captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, and those despicable lands, that we could have otherwise built a Middle Eastern Disneyland or an African Disneyland in? Yet, these things do not get exposed to you. I remember a few years ago, U.S. President Barack Obama was wanting to close it down. Wonder if hes figured that our yet. He would have never gotten Osama bin Laden if he had. Note that former driver of bin Laden, whats his name Al-Kuwaiti was held at Guantanamo. Lets go back to our friend Osama bin Laden, its very likely that they always knew where he was, however before Obama was President, they just knew if they got him, they would cause a much bigger war than they were already fighting. When I tell that to most people they think and say, Youve got to be joking. I think, Thats exactly what Lee Hanson said when his loving son, Peter called him to inform him that the plane he, Sue and Christine were on had been hijacked. Then they would fly straight into the South Twin Tower. Anyway, lets not get off topic. Guantanamo needs to stay open. There was no incident of real torture there. Paul Rester, the retired chief intelligence gatherer said there was no water-boarding incident there, they had one incident when that was on the list of options, when they were interrogating one of the guys who was not welcomed in the United States, and they believe he would have been a hijacker on United Flight 93. One of the options of interrogating him was that, water-boarding. Bush stated in his book discussion about when it was used before high valued detainees got to Guantanamo, Lets talk about water-boarding, we believe we are going to be attacked again, and we need to get information. He is asked, why is water-boarding legal? Bush replies, because the lawyers assured me it was legal. Im not a lawyer, but they and the attorneys assured me it did not violate our anti-torture act. Using those tactics saved lives. We need to keep the detention center open at Guantanamo. Some of the most dangerous people on Earth are being held there, and there is nowhere to send them. To think some of you actually thought the people held there were being tortured, when they are being treated better than the guards who are there. I wonder how you would have reacted if it was your family, your friends who got killed by them, or get killed by they comrades and colleagues next time. In not hurrying to close it down, Paul Rester said, nobody wants to be held responsible for not preventing the next 9/11.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 23:49:47 +0000

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