Last night as I drove home relaxed and listening to Steve miller - TopicsExpress


Last night as I drove home relaxed and listening to Steve miller bands greatest hits 74-78 As the clock hit midnight and I turned 41 I reflected on the past 4+ decades. Somehow I had one of those magical moments when you back in time for a second that feels like so much more. I thought back to those summers between 13-17. To the colony inn and the brew crew. Riding plastic tubs down the stairs or out of the water release at the mill stream dam. Drinking my first 40 oz and having Larry Beltz and Eric Kolsto give me airplane spins immediately after. All of the Memorial Day camping trips with Ray stallman, Bill Brown, Therese Wheeler, Renae Zaugg and so many others I am sure I am forgetting. Tube floating the mill stream and setting trot lines. Walter buzzing the basement for a lug of chicken and acting like we didnt hear. Getting tied to a pole in the basement and having flour and egg rubbed in my hair as they made an imitation cake. So many loves so much drama and yet all adding up to the most care free days of my life. So many others that shared those days with: Shawn Moss, Ryan Rieder, Chris Chris Goddard, Monica Patten, Dee McGlaughlin, Connie Schmucker, Juanita Stallman, Jennifer Bachert, Andrea Lammey, Carmen Dolezal, Claudia Schepp. I know I am forgetting many or just cant remember the names. Last night for a moment I could almost touch that time again and it was wonderful. In that moment I remember why I loved all of you even if I never showed it or knew how to express it back then. I hope you guys get those moments once in awhile.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 11:23:19 +0000

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