Last night during the unexpected high plains storm which clipped - TopicsExpress


Last night during the unexpected high plains storm which clipped the east end of our town we hunkered down...Cooper and I in our 7x7 pantry. The storm arrived from the north and we had missed its approach. A tornado warning with immediate sheltering instructions came over my cell phone. A quick step into the back yard and it was clear havoc was about to unleash. The southwest part of a wall cloud was overhead. Some rotation was evident. Somewhere to the east a distinct roar filled the air. Heavy bands of rain made confirmation of a tornado impossible. Scattered half dollar sized pellets of hail started to fall and we battened down all windows and doors and took cover. The pounding on the roof and skylights quickly reached a crescendo. Tempestuous wind and heavy rain added to the ominous sounds of the onslaught. Tornado sirens pierced the melee and added anxiety. Cooper paced nervously. I trusted his instinct that danger was at hand. Fortunately our skirmish with the awesome power of nature was short. The brunt of ravaging weather passed just to the east. We and neighbors emerged to asses damages. Downed foliage was strewn among half dollar, quarter, and penny sized hail stones. Cars in driveways sported numerous dents. All in all we fared well. After a damage assessment I realized I had missed an opportunity to capture some photos of the storm. As darkness fell I managed a few images of the passing tempest.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 00:06:32 +0000

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