**Last post for the evening, good night everyone!** 1. We have - TopicsExpress


**Last post for the evening, good night everyone!** 1. We have just confirmed we are pregnant with our 2nd yay But the baby is due on our 1st childs 2nd bday. A little concerned about them sharing bday. Our 1st was born 40+1. So curious of if others 2nd bubs came early or late? Or if anyone has kids born on same day? Thanks 2. How long after you started to trying conceive Did you fall pregnant? 3. I had to have our 1st baby at 38weeks (11months ago) due to getting ICP. Being told by my OB I have an 80-90% chance of getting it again for our next pregnancy & would most likely get it earlier & have to have the baby earlier!.. I just wanted to hear other stories!.. Did you get it again?? At what week did you get it?? 4. Im trying to decide whether to give my 7wo DD a dummy. She is ebf and lately I have noticed a lot of fist sucking (Im pretty sure its not hunger). I dont want her to rely on one for self soothing or for getting to sleep. What are your experiences?
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 12:14:08 +0000

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