Last week, I said that I would speak about 3 concepts that are - TopicsExpress


Last week, I said that I would speak about 3 concepts that are basic to having healthy hair - Moisturize, Strengthen and Fortify. However, let us start at the very beginning - shampooing. Why is this step so important? Because your scalp (which is the birthplace of hair) needs to be clean and clear in order to do its work of allowing hair come through to its surface. Imagine if you would, that your scalp is an extension of your skin (technically, it is), it needs to breathe in order to work optimally. However the scalp has a covering of sebum on it which is waxy and as such holds on to whatever dirt falls on it. This sebum can also build up and stifle hair growth. (read more on scalp health here: naturalnigerian/2012/03/hair-101-the-scalp-get-this-right-and-your-hair-will-grow/) Now, there are many brands of shampoos in the market all proclaiming different benefits. Moisturizing, volumizing, goes on and on. Which one should you buy? Whichever you are happiest with. However, your shampoo as a rule does not have to be too expensive. As a matter of fact, it can be one of the cheapest things in your regimen, while you splurge with things that actually remain in your hair. Remember that shampoo is going to be all washed off anyway so you do not want a situation where you spend a lot on a bottle of shampoo only to see your money literally go down the drain. The one big thing to consider is what sort of shampoo gives you a good cleaning. Use a clarifying shampoo at least after every 3 washes (for me this is the humble black soap). If you feel your hair is a bit dry and that shampoos generally strip your hair of moisture, do a coconut oil pre-poo. Works everytime. So, what shampoo (or cleansing agent) do YOU use? How much does it cost?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 13:47:23 +0000

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