Latest quack letter! Dear Mr Agarwal, Thank you very much - TopicsExpress


Latest quack letter! Dear Mr Agarwal, Thank you very much for your letter dated 02/04/13 although alas, I am absolutely dismayed that you claim that you fail to interpret my emails and attached letters, as no one else that has read them experienced difficulties comprehending the content of my missives. However, for your benefit I will bullet point the main issues:- 1) When was the decision made to change my consultant as Dr. Phillip Harrison was my consultant over the last few years and indeed the doctor that had suggested that I could take part in that medical trial and why was I not notified that there has been a change in consultant for me? Are you playing musical chairs or just moving Dr. Phillip Harrison in the background so he doesn’t has to answer any questions in relation to this medical trial that he had offered me to take part in and the total failure to communicate the change of plan. 2) Why do doctors at a world renowned hospital consider this total lack of communication that causes great distress and anxiety to the patient as acceptable, because for me it amount to psychological torture and abuse? 3) Why having offered me the chance for vital treatment to only make me wait for month and leaving it up to me to figure out that this treatment is not availed to me after all? It’s totally inhumane no matter how much you trying to play it down and make me believe that this is normal procedure in terms of patient care, as I am sure it is not and certainly if you deem that sort of disrespectful and highly insensitive treatment as acceptable, then I would rather for you are not be my consultant. 4) I suffered an overdose after Ms Narbey changed the dosage of my last treatment rather than mental health issues interfering with the treatment. Surely anyone prescribed too much peg interferon would develop a peg interferon intolerance as well as suffer various internal injuries? It’s certainly a bit worrying to have consultant that has difficulties to interpret documents that show clearly, without a shadow of doubt, that I have been prescribed a chemo therapy overdose! 5) I certainly hugely recent the fact that because of need to cover up for Ms Narbey’s unlawful action, that overdose event is recorder as a total falsehood and decisions are made on this falsehood and need to cover up for Ms Narbey, as it wasn’t my mental health issues that caused the treatment failure but the fact that I took far too much of this chemo therapy for 3 weeks until I literally collapsed and it wasn’t just a psychiatric issue due to brain injury related to that overdose but I was physically very ill too, not to mention the last 5 years of absolute hell without any medical care to address any damage cause to me. 6) I have not had been given a single answer to any of my questions in relation to Ms Narbey drastically increasing the dosage of that chemo therapy, which was unlawful as she is not allowed to alter the dosage of a chemo therapy. 7) The prescription of the increased dosage was not signed by the prescribing doctor yet I am not entitled to find out who had signed to overdose prescription. 8) It’s a total falsehood for Ms Narbey to claim she instructed me not to take the full increased dosage as she stated my medical records and indeed she had told me the same as what she wrote in her letter to Dr Brown. (Please see Statement email attachment ) 9) I had no mental health care or adequate humane medical care since I was discharged from hospital in 2009. 10) I have been promised treatment on several occasions but nothing has materialised so far. 11) Why are you refusing to communicate the reason for this serious neglect to my GP Dr Dugala? 12) I was told that there would be a need for a liver biopsy last year and I still waiting to find out why if and when this will take place. 13) Why does no one care that I clearly suffered a chemo therapy overdose? 14) Why is there a tendency to question my conduct and mental health when there is a total refusal to provide mental health care? In my opinion that is entirely unreasonable! 15) Why is it expected of me to not ask questions in relation to any medical treatment? 16) Why do you think it’s acceptable that I medical professionals get aggressive with me because I ask question in relation to this chemo therapy overdose? 17) Why do you think it’s acceptable that patient has lost all ability to trust any medical professional and how can you expect consent for any treatment if the patient is not able to trust any medical professional? 18) As clearly the medical trial is not applicable for me any longer and my treatment is yet again stalled how long do I have o wait now to have any hope to be considered for a treatment and will it be another 5 years or longer or am I expected to die from hepatitis C with n o medical care? 19) You have mentioned in your letter discussing this situation with a senior nurse but failed to provide the name of this nurse and I certainly cannot recall having discussed these issues with any nurse at Kings, thus I question how her input can have any value at all? I certainly would appreciate conformation if this nurse was nurse Ms Kate Oaks copied in on that letter or do I have to assume that I am not entitled to know who is involved with my treatment either anymore? 20) As for you praising Mr Dugala in your letter, does this imply that you approve of shouting and antagonizing vulnerable patients as well as claims that my medical problems a merely psychosomatic? As for your suggestion to involve pals, please let me reassure you that apart from reporting Ms Narbey to the police, I have done everything possible to get answers to my question in relation to this chemo therapy overdose, although alas, all I got so far is this wall of silence and a constant spotlight on my mental health with insinuations that perhaps I am not worth anything at all thus don’t deserve clear honest answers as to why I suffered this overdose and subsequent total neglect and abuse, so worthless indeed I seemingly don’t even deserve mental health care yet you medical professionals want to complaint about my mental health problems, which I think is extremely rude and provocative to say the least. If you do not think I am worth mental health care then please stop mentioning my mental health problem every time you feel the need to deflect from the real issues such as this chemo therapy overdose or the neglect and abuse that followed and still continues to the day! The harsh reality for me is that not only does no one in the medical world care for the fact that I been put through hell over the last 5 years and had my life ruined but also there is a strong element of corruption right up to the Chief Executive of South London NHS Trust Dr Chris Streather who totally ignore the prescription copies I had sent to him via registered mail and he too absolutely refused to answer any questions as seemingly a chemo therapy overdose, dispensed with an invalid prescription due to a false signature, that is no b big issue for Dr Chris Streather, who conveniently has resigned. With this in mind who can blame me for not being able to trust any medical professional anymore after all I did not instruct people to act dishonest and with total lack of integrity I am merely the victim of a very corrupt system where everyone, without a fail, is trying extremely hard to silence me with bullying and neglect. In all honesty I feel persecuted by the NHS and have considered applying for political asylum at the German embassy as I do not have German nationality since I adopted British nationality on 18/01/1984, little did I know then that I was heading towards a Orwellian nightmare coming true and have my life destroyed by the NHS whilst being put through hell on earth! As for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich that is renowned for is very poor patient care you perhaps might like to look at a few of these links relating to poor medical standards of that hospital. Ramon Niekrash: Theres nothing to stop this happening again Queen Elizabeth Hospital protestors carry coffins through grounds Demonstration outside the Queen Elizabeth Woolwich Greenwich - Hospital South London Health Trust youtube/watch?v=Cl2ITN0cFa4 76-year-old waits 18 hours in Queen Elizabeth Hospital A&E Queen Elizabeth Hospital turns away measles mum-to-be m.facebook/l.php? Widow accuses Woolwichs Queen Elizabeth Hospital over husband Terry Breeds death Anyhow, should you still experiencing difficulties to “interpret” this very serious ongoing situation in relation to this chemo therapy overdose and subsequent neglect and abuse I have suffered, then I do have to wonder if you should really be my consultant, as I expect from a senior consultant of your profile to have a sharp enough intellect to grasp not just the core of this sorry saga, but also to understand the seriousness of it all as well as comprehend the fact that no one amongst you medical professionals seem to be aware of the Legally Binding Duty of care for your patients and even if you do know about it, you are certainly seen not to care to honour it. In the meantime I am keenly aware that I have nothing whatsoever to expect from the medical world apart from more abuse and neglect, as that clearly is the mode of operandi set in stone in relation to me and definitely trust on my part does not come in to the equation at all! Finally if you wish to turn a blind eye to what clearly is an unlawful deed committed by Angela Narbey that is entirely your business but please do not expect me to follow suit or keep silent about it! Yours sincerely, Gabriele Kreichgauer [Civil Liberties Defender] “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 15:57:38 +0000

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