Latest update on Daves status... Saturday, July 5 Cheryl and - TopicsExpress


Latest update on Daves status... Saturday, July 5 Cheryl and I are back in Clearwater and looking forward to worshipping with our Calvary family tomorrow. I know many have been praying faithfully for us and specifically for Dave’s healing. Many will want an update. Here is the latest as of Saturday night and unless something changes between now and tomorrow morning I think it is the best and latest update I will have. I don’t expect a radical change in the next several hours. Dave is still sedated and still breathing with the assistance of a ventilator. After his biopsy Thursday we were told it would take several days for the results, at least three days. Therefore, we don’t really anticipate any new information regarding his condition before Monday. Our prayer continues to be for divine healing and that if God chooses to work through the medical processes that the attending physicians will discover the reason for this mysterious infection and be able to treat it. We know all healing comes from God. There is concern that Dave continues to be unresponsive to stimuli. Of course he is heavily sedated due to the necessity of the ventilator and his earlier agitation when sedation was lowered. So it is a difficult cycle of necessity but we are anxious for him to begin to respond consciously. So we pray for that as well. His wife KC is heroically strong and an inspiration to us all though she is facing extraordinary adversity. We love her dearly and ask you to pray specifically for her continued strength. I doubt I will have much more to share on Sunday morning, although if I do, I will be sure to post what I know. Please continue to pray and ask God for Dave’s healing.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 22:35:54 +0000

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