Latest update on Pat Martinez-Akins. After a simple and - TopicsExpress


Latest update on Pat Martinez-Akins. After a simple and uncomplicated surgery (Praise God) yesterday, we were told they found a tumor and believe it to be lymphoma. The surgeons removed it and also some lymph nodes around the area. I was hesitant on posting an update until we got the pathology report back to confirm. However, Ive had a lot of requests and we found out today the lab report will not be ready until possibly end of this week. We are currently praying she will not need any chemo therapy and that they removed all the potential cancer. She was doing much better when I left the hospital today. Doctors were able to remove the tube pumping fluids from her stomach out of her nose, which meant she was able to drink about a capful of liquid every hour until she is able to tolerate more. She also was able to sit in a chair for about an hour and a half and carry on small conversations. Thankfully she is not in any pain and has not taken pain meds for the last 24 hours. We thank you all for your continued support in prayer and well wishes for my mom. I was finally able to share with her yesterday all the people who have been praying and loving on her, and she was so grateful. Specific prayer would just be that she is able to have sleep while in the hospital as it is very difficult bc nurses, doctors, phlebotomy, and nurses aides are constantly in and out of her room even through the night. We are also asking for prayer that she will not need chemotherapy.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 05:05:25 +0000

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