Lead by Example...OUR CHILDREN ARE OUR LEGACY ......HAMAS.... I - TopicsExpress


Lead by Example...OUR CHILDREN ARE OUR LEGACY ......HAMAS.... I THINK NOT ???....Walk your talk, become a person others want to follow. 1. Take responsibility. Blame costs you your credibility, keeps team members on the defensive and ultimately sabotages real growth. 2. Be truthful. Inaccurate representation affects everyone. Show that honesty really IS the best policy. 3. Be courageous. Walk through fire (a crisis) first. Take calculated risks that demonstrate commitment to a larger purpose. 4. Acknowledge failure. It makes it OK for your team to do the same and defines failure as part of the process of becoming extraordinary. 5. Be persistent. Try, try again. Go over, under or around any hurdles to show that obstacles don’t define your company or team. 6. Create solutions. Don’t dwell on problems; instead be the first to offer solutions and then ask your team for more. 7. Listen. Ask questions. Seek to understand. You’ll receive valuable insights and set a tone that encourages healthy dialogue. 8. Delegate liberally. Encourage an atmosphere in which people can focus on their core strengths. 9. A balanced team, mentally and physically, is a successful team. Model it, encourage it, support it! 10 Great men lead their men into battle, HAMAS.... I THINK NOT
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 11:57:12 +0000

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