Lead poisoning can cause a range of medical and neuropsychological - TopicsExpress


Lead poisoning can cause a range of medical and neuropsychological problems, including attention deficits, antisocial behavior, and irritability. Romans—particularly the upper class—were exposed to lead from numerous sources:Drinking water was contaminated because lead was used extensively to build ancient Rome’s water transportation systems.Grape juice fermented to become wine was often preserved in lead vessels, which made it sweeter. The elite drank wine more profusely than did lower-class Romans, who probably could not afford wine. Lead-sweetened grape juice was also used in delicacies eaten by the wealthy.The rich also favored expensive, lead-lined bronze bowls and plates, whereas commoners used cheap earthenware. Thus, ancient Rome’s ruling class was ingesting lead-contaminated drink and food.Some scholars, noting the relative sterility of many Roman emperors, have suggested that lead poisoning, which can decrease sperm count and cause miscarriage, may have contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire. Jerome Nriagu, a geochemist who has studied lead’s toxic effects, attributed many of Claudius’ symptoms and negative traits to lead poisoning: “He had disturbed speech, weak limbs, an ungainly gait, tremors, fits of excessive and inappropriate laughter, and unseemly anger, and he often slobbered…his contracting of plumbism would not be surprising, since he was an intemperate glutton.” Nriagu also argued that the neuropsychological sequelae of lead poisoning might have clouded the judgment of many Roman emperors. The creater of the bible, Constantine, probably had lead poisening. Along with many other horrible Emperors. Emperors were in most cases above the law, worshipped as a deity, they set the moral standards for citizens...crazy standards. Loss of right and wrong. Loss of moral integrity. This was a massive epidemic. If we look at the modern understanding of lead poisening, it destroys the mind and judgment in small doses. Its talked about deep into our history. Cause of the dark ages? Cause of Christianity? It would of persisted for generations with mothers passing lead through milk into their babies, causing severe mental dissabilities. These children grew up to be leaders ? What if everyone suffered from lead poisoning back then? Most Church makers of wine, boiled in lead pots and by doing so, restricted the minds of people for hundreds of years all through the old Empire which became Dark Christian Europe.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 06:34:17 +0000

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