Leaders From Fifteen Pain-focused, Consumer Organizations Agree on - TopicsExpress


Leaders From Fifteen Pain-focused, Consumer Organizations Agree on Collective Work Plan On March 1-2, 2014, the State Pain Policy Advocacy Network (SPPAN), a project of the American Academy of Pain Management, brought together 17 decision-makers representing 15 organizations that advocate for people with pain. The goal was to begin developing a plan for collective action among these organizations and their constituents that will lead to positive pain policies—policies that will ensure access for people with pain to the care they need and deserve. SPPAN contracted with an experienced facilitator to ensure consensus was achieved among participants. Work performed prior to the meeting, including one-on-one interviews, surveys, and collection of relevant background information, as well as pre-meeting planning sessions with a select group of leaders, was helpful in moving the group toward the identified goals of the meeting. The meeting concluded with consensus around two major outcomes—a project plan and key messages. The established project plan was to support, influence and monitor HHS’s implementation of the National Pain Strategy. The group agreed on, and selected leaders to be accountable for, each step of a seven-part work plan to implement this project statement. Recognizing the summer deadlines to complete several steps of the plan, the SPPAN Director will facilitate regular meetings among the leaders to determine the best way to achieve these goals. Secondly, with the help of the facilitator, the leaders set aside organizational differences and reached a consensus on four basic beliefs, or key messages. These beliefs center around the fact that chronic pain is a real, unrecognized and under-resourced public health crisis that requires a wide range of effective treatment options, and that allowing people to suffer with unmanaged pain is immoral and unethical. Although the degree of support for the project statement and key messages varied among the participants, each leader nevertheless agreed to join in the group’s endorsement of these meeting products. Results of a post-meeting survey revealed that 100% of the respondents were “Very Satisfied/Satisfied” with the results of the meeting; 100% answered “Yes, I remain committed to the collective process moving forward”. Participating organizations: American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network American Chronic Pain Association C-Change Chronic Pain Research Alliance Global Healthy Living Foundation Interstitial Cystitis Foundation National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association National Patient Advocate Foundation Neuropathy Association Pain Connection Pain Action Alliance to Implement a National Strategy Power of Pain Foundation Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association The Pain Community US Pain Foundation
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 17:26:46 +0000

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