Leadership Thanks, Youths Against Terrorism By: Leadership - TopicsExpress


Leadership Thanks, Youths Against Terrorism By: Leadership Editors on June 20, 2013 - 1:24am Young men in terror-afflicted Borno State recently decided to collaborate with the federal government’s military Joint Task Force (JTF) to identify and, if necessary, arrest suspected terrorists and hand them over to the authorities. They know most of the Boko Haram members because they live/lived together with them. As a result of this effort of the courageous youth in Maiduguri and other parts of the state, several members of Boko Haram have been taken into custody. All peace-loving and law-abiding Nigerians praise these young men who seem determined to restore hope to the state. For the past three years, the country has witnessed unprecedented escalation of death and violence due to the activities of evil-minded goons hiding behind religion to turn Nigeria into another Somalia or Mali. What was hitherto unknown in Africa – suicide bombing – has been introduced by these ill-educated and ill-informed hoodlums. From the flames of ethnic hatred which sparked on the beautiful plains of Plateau to the dogmatic fundamentalist religious affliction known as Boko Haram, the slaughter has continued. As many as 5, 000 innocent people have lost their lives and many more have been rendered homeless. Hundreds of thousands of people have relocated from troubled areas to regions where there is relative peace. No government can refuse to do something that could contain this situation. That is why President Goodluck Jonathan last month declared a state of emergency in three north-eastern states that the terrorists had turned into killing fields. To succeed in their assignment, however, the security agents now in the states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa will need the cooperation of the good people of the areas. What the youths have decided to do is the exact assistance the troops need to root out the evil people that have made life intolerable in the north-east region. The federal and state governments now have an obligation to protect these youths. Most of them do not wear masks to hide their identity and their pictures have appeared in the media. For being so daring even without receiving the necessary training, the youths deserve high marks. The JTF should, as a matter of urgency, give them all necessary protection so that they can continue with the good work unhindered. They should be rewarded for every terrorist they capture and bring to justice. By attacking other innocent people in Zamfara, Katsina and Kaduna states, the Boko Haram terrorists have exposed what they really are: blood hounds that deserve a place in the hottest part of hell. Of course, they are criminals. Robbing banks, snatching cars and stealing other valuables are not acts associated with true Muslims. Yet, it is possible that the criminals are being used by external forces bent on disintegrating Nigeria. History is a guide: the collaboration between Mujahideen and the United States during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. The insurgents were trained and armed by the Americans; after the expulsion of Soviet forces from that country, they metamorphosed into the Taliban and al-Qaeda. They now point their guns at their former allies. Those seeking Nigeria’s disintegration are bound to fail and the blood of the innocents will cry for justice. The action of the youths is evidence that people are tired of the terrorists. What is required to rout the insurgents in a very short time is for every peace-loving Nigerian to work hand in hand with the authorities, as the youths of Borno are now doing. Evil thrives only when good people do nothing.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 07:25:27 +0000

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