Learn Our History Today: On May 2, 1863, Lieutenant General Thomas - TopicsExpress


Learn Our History Today: On May 2, 1863, Lieutenant General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson launched one the most spectacular and devastating attacks of the entire Civil War at the Battle of Chancellorsville. After the fighting on May 1, Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson were discussing plans for the next day’s battle, when General J.E.B. Stuart rode up with critical intelligence gathered by Brigadier General Fitzhugh Lee. Stuart reported that the union flank was “in the air”, making it extremely vulnerable to attack. Lee quickly dispatched Jackson with 28,000 men to attack the Union flank. Following a twelve mile march, Jackson launched his attack. The 11th Corps, under the command of Oliver O. Howard, bore the full weight of the Attack. They were scattered to the wind by the screaming rebels. The attack was devastating to the Union. Desperately, Union Generals tried to rally their fleeing troops, but nothing could stop the Confederate tide. In fact, the attack was going so well that Stonewall Jackson was considering a night attack, a very rare thing in the Civil War. This, however, was Jackson’s downfall. He went out ahead of his troops on reconnaissance, to see if a night attack was possible. When his aids finally convinced him to return to Confederate lines, Jackson and his staff were mistaken for Union Cavalry and fired on by Confederate troops. Jackson himself was hit three times, twice in the arm and once in the hand. These injuries by themselves were not lethal, but Jackson did lose his arm. Upon hearing this Robert E. Lee said, “Jackson has lost his left arm and I have lost my right.” Unfortunately, although the injuries he sustained were not lethal, Jackson developed pneumonia in addition to them and died on May 10, 1863. His loss was deeply felt by the entire Confederacy.
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 20:04:12 +0000

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