Leave Your Dead Relatives Alone! Leave your dead relatives alone - TopicsExpress


Leave Your Dead Relatives Alone! Leave your dead relatives alone if you know they are in Heaven, even if you are not sure where they are, still leave them alone because the devil can cause a lot of trouble if you keep calling the names of you dead ones all the time. You will never say one sentence without telling the world how much you love people who are resting. It is not of the Lord to communicate with the dead “The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.” Speaking with deceased relatives will help keep their memories alive. There are many avenues to take when choosing a method to speak with dead relatives. Find a form of communication that is comfortable when talking the deceased. If you choose to speak with your loved ones through your dreams, thoughts or with the help of psychics, keep an open mind and heart. Even if you do not receive confirmation your dead relatives heard you, you will be comforted talking with them anyway. THIS IS NOT OF GOD. So-called “proxy” or “posthumous” baptisms are performed by Mormons in an effort to provide non-Mormons with an opportunity for eternal salvation in accordance with the church’s beliefs about the afterlife. THIS IS NOT OF GOD. LOVING DEAD PEOPLE IS NOT OF GOD, THEY ARE GONE BUT YOU WILL SEE THEM AGAIN. LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE AND STOP WORRY ABOUT THEM OTHERWISE THE DEVIL WILL COME IN AND PLAY HIS NONSENSE GAMES WITH YOU. I LOVE MY LATE WIFE AND WISH SHE IS ALIVE MY WORLD WILL NOT BE LIKE THIS OR I LOVE MY LATE HUBBY AND I WISH HE IS ALIVE MY WORLD WILL NOT BE LIKE THIS, PLEASE STOP IT!!!. YOUR LATE WIFE OR HUBBY IS NOT THE GOD OF YOUR LIFE. God who is your God and the God of your late wife or hubby is your God. DO NOT MAKE IN YOUR THE IMAGE OF YOUR LATE RELATIVE AS YOUR GOD. NO ONE CAN LOVE ME MORE THAN MY LATE WIFE OR HUSBAND, Excuse me, where is that coming from? Question: What does the Bible say about praying to or speaking to the dead? Answer: Praying to the dead is strictly forbidden in the Bible. Deuteronomy 18:11 tells us that anyone who “consults with the dead” is “detestable to the Lord.” The story of Saul consulting a medium to bring up the spirit of the dead Samuel resulted in his death “because he was unfaithful to the Lord; he did not keep the word of the Lord and even consulted a medium for guidance” (1 Samuel 28:1-25; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14). Clearly, God has declared that such things are not to be done. Consider the characteristics of God. God is omnipresent—everywhere at once—and is capable of hearing every prayer in the world (Psalm 139:7-12). A human being, on the other hand, does not possess this attribute. Also, God is the only one with the power to answer prayer. In this regard, God is omnipotent—all powerful (Revelation 19:6). Certainly this is an attribute a human being—dead or alive—does not possess. Finally, God is omniscient—He knows everything (Psalm 147:4-5). Even before we pray, God knows our genuine needs and knows them better than we do. Not only does He know our needs, but He answers our prayers according to His perfect will. So, in order for a dead person to receive prayers, the dead individual has to hear the prayer, possess the power to answer it, and know how to answer it in a way that is best for the individual praying. Only God hears and answers prayer because of His perfect essence and because of what some theologians call His “immanence.” Immanence is the quality of God that causes Him to be directly involved with the affairs of mankind (1 Timothy 6:14-15); this includes answering prayer. Even after a person dies, God is still involved with that person and his destination. Hebrews 9:27 says so: “…Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” If a person dies in Christ, he goes to heaven to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:1-9, especially verse 8); if a person dies in his sin, he goes to hell, and eventually everyone in hell will be thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14-15). A person suffering in agony will not be able to hear or answer a prayer, nor will a person who is living in heavenly bliss with God. If we pray to someone and he is in eternal agony, should we expect him to be able to hear and answer our prayers? Likewise, would a person in heaven be concerned for temporal problems on earth? God has provided His Son, Jesus Christine Chris, to be the mediator between man and God (1 Timothy 2:5). With Jesus Christ as our mediator, we can go through Jesus to God. Why would we want to go through a sinful dead individual, especially when doing so risks the wrath of God?
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 23:41:26 +0000

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