Lecture on the Night of Qadr and Lady Fatima (a.s) - Syed Ali - TopicsExpress


Lecture on the Night of Qadr and Lady Fatima (a.s) - Syed Ali Abbas Rizvi Syed AsgharHadith of 6th Imam (as) that 19th night is the night when your destiny is written. 21st night is when it’s prepared and on 23rd it’s signed and sealed. The journey of the month of Ramadhan is coming to its crucial stages in these special nights. This month is a gift from Allah SWT that was not given to any nation until the final Prophet came and from this month the Night of Qadr. Narration that the month can be broken down into three parts, the first is Allah’s Mercy. Allah created the universe from His Mercy, Rahmah. All of His names go back to His Mercy. In Quran it says whether you call Him Allah or Rahman both are His names. Various dimensions of Rahmah: His Mercy has two angles: Rahman and Rahim. Rahman for all mankind, Rahim is specific. Rahman is for this world, Rahim is for the hereafter. If we go deeper we can say when God looks at His creation He is Allah and when His creation looks at Him He is Rahman. Within the Jalal names of Allah is the Rahmah of Allah and from this He manifests the month of Ramadhan and He says the first ten days are about My Mercy and whatever problems you have in your life you can access the solution through this Mercy. In first ten days of month you start feel lighter, slowly but surely as body and soul become attuned to fasting, to this month, which is called Ramadhan from the word to burn away. Arabs used to use this term for when a stone burned in the dessert. It burns the sins of a person and fasting eradicates your major sins. The middle ten days are Allah’s Maghrifah. The whole month is to repent but these ten days are specific. A lightness in your heart comes in the middle of these days and a change is slowly being brought about until the Nights of Qadr so that you’re prepared. Just before the night of Qadr you find you have so many problems to push you away and you find our focus goes. We have Rajab and Shaaban to prepare for this month. Narration says Shabaan is there to repent and Shahr Ramadhan is there to compensate. The sins you repented for will be compensated for and made into positive points through fasting. Certain sins once you repent are taken off and certain actions take those sins into positives. We wait the entire year for the nights of Qadr and then some things happen to take us away. Narrations say satan whispers but that’s the maximum he can do, but the dynamics of satan is that he also puts obstacles in your way and sometimes that’s when we shift even if we have ignored the whispers. So trial and tribulation will come in this month to make you polished and absolute. Hadith of 6th Imam (as) that 19th night is the night when your destiny is written. 21st night is when it’s prepared and on 23rd it’s signed and sealed. It comes down to be authenticated by the Master of the Time and then goes back up again and God verifies it. Stage by stage process. You can change your destiny in these three days. Allah has given you this month and these nights, the solution to all our problems lie in them. Risq (sustenance) decided in these months, so is whether you’re going to die, whether you’re going to have family problems. Every human being suffers in some way, negative suffering. Because the world is finite and we exist within the boundaries of time and distance and when you find restriction you find suffering. When you leave this world and go to Alam-e-Barzakh the suffering starts to diminish, later it ceases to exist. When you eradicate all forms of suffering within yourself, you have a nafs-ul mutmainnah. Suffering is attached to realization and removal of sin as sin causes us to suffer as it creates a distance between us and the Creator. The 70,000 veils created between us and Allah, many are because of our sins. This is also the reason why we are unable to feel the essence and presence of our Imam. The narration says there is a light in the heart of the Imam which should be shining in the heart of the believer and this light brings man to peace. This light is a reflection of the entire universe because the 12th Imam is an Insaan al-Kaamil. Through this we can understand yourself, then the universe around you, then the names of Allah then “Rabb”. The narration says whoever understands his soul understand his Rabb, it does not say he will understand Allah. You begin to understand Rububiyyah, true Lordship. The Holy Prophet says he is the poorest in front of Allah, when our heart is opened to God we will understand true poverty that we are in in front of Him. A person at this level with the whole universe reflected in their heart can understand people better than they understand ourselves. For us to get to this level we need this month and tawassul of 12th Imam (as). Qur’an revealed in this month, which makes it special, but there are 2 Qur’ans; one which was revealed to Holy Prophet in the night of Qadr and the other which is the manifestation of each verse in the form of Amirul Mo’mineen and his son the Mahdi. Both dimensions of Qur’an need to be fulfilled. This is why we have the hadith of thaqalayn – both needed for success. Best month for marifah of 12th Imam (as). Hadith of 6th Imam (as) that whenever first or second Khalifa would come to the Prophet he would recite Surah Qadr and he would ask them whether they understood that the angels and spirit descend to this person with kulli amr it mentions, everything in creation is in the hands of this person. The companions said yes, you are this person and Holy Prophet said but who is after me and he told them after me it is Ali bin Abu Talib. 6th Imam (as) says is evidence of existence of 12th Imam (as) as every age has night of Qadr and the angels and spirit descend to this one person. All decrees come to Imam and he documents and seals it. A continuous process. Ahlul Bayt (as) have explained what the night of Qadr is, why it is better than a thousand months, you can get to arsh of Allah in this night. Imam said Laylatul Qadr is Fatima. The very first thing created as manifestation of Allah’s Mercy was Haqiqatun-Muhammadi (Muhammadan Reality). It is the first essence, the medium of creation. Holy Prophet has told us that his light was first thing created and Noor-e-Muhammadi is manifested within reality of Muhammad himself. From that entire creation comes. It is a barzakh – a medium between the Creator and the created. Adam is the representative of Allah, an Insaan Kaamil as a reflection of all attributes of Allah, although not the ultimate Insaan Kaamil who was the actualization of the Muhammadan Reality, i.e. the essence Holy Prophet, All of the Prophets are found in the Khaatam and so the Qur’an was revealed to his chest which has 70,000 meanings in each verse. If it were revealed without veils the entire universe would melt just like it says if it was revealed on a mountain it would turn to water. Amirul Mo’mineen is the pure entity mentioned in Surah Waqia. Every solution found in the Qur’an, which is contained within their chest. Ali says the reality of Qur’an found in him, it is in kitabul maqnoon, the chest of the Ahlulbayt. Only through them can we understand the Qur’an and through it get the solutions for our life. The Imam is the Hujjat of Allah, the spirit of the universe without which the universe would die, cease to exist. He is there by necessity. 6th Imam says we are hujjat over creation, Fatima is hujjat over us. There is the Reality of Ali and the Reality of Fatima. The reality of Fatima is something not touched often. When Prophet said whoever hurts Fatima hurts me it was because within the Muhammadan Reality was the Reality of Fatima. They are inseparable. Universal intellect is Haqiqatun Alawiyya mentioned in Surah Yaseen. This cannot exist without the Universal Soul whose essence is Lady Fatima. All of knowledge on one side all of consciousness on the other side and you can see the level of Imam Hassan (as) and Imam Hussain (as) who are the product of these two essences. God cannot be contained by any of His names, it manifests as names for us and these were created through the Noor-e-Muhammad. 6th Imam (as) says the person who understand Fatima’s reality understands Laylatul Qadr. The Holy Prophet says the one who stays awake in the night of Qadr all of his sins are wiped out, how wretched is the person whose sins are not wiped out! So what is so special that even just breathing in this night can get us jannah? While you fast for every physical action the reward is jannah. However the reward for the actual fast is Allah Himself. It’s above and beyond jannah, it eradicates sins and through fasting the veils are removed and the Ishq-e-Allah comes into your heart. Then the heart becomes Noor and the universe is contained within you. Allah says in Hadith al-Qudsi nothing can contain Me except the heart of the believer, a pure heart. The solution for all our problems, medical, spiritual, financial etc. are all in these nights. 23rdnight is the pivotal night the decree is sealed. How can we change any misfortunes that are going to come? -Reciting Qur’an – dedicate it to 12th Imam (as) -Attach self to 12th Imam (as), speak to him, cry with him, share your problems with him -Most effective is to take tawassul of Lady Fatima (as) to the Imam, she is hujjat over him and he can’t reject it Layl is that which is veiled. Night is best for worship and when a lover talks to the Beloved in the veils of night an attachment is there which cannot be there in the day. On the day of Judgment everything is open but the night is veiled. Slowly but surely in these nights you remove the veils to become Ahl to God. Fatima is veiled, she is the night. She was veiled in the physical world and the metaphysical world. This is why she says that if a person sends salutations and salawat on us knowing our marifah just once in their life we will take you by the hand to jannah. When the veils come off you have understood their reality. Fatima is Qadr of Allah. We have two things – Qadr and Qadha. Qadha is with Allah, i.e. what’s going to happen is going to happen, it is a certainty. Allah is outside time, there is no restriction of movement. He knows how everything will turn out. Allah does not change His mind / iradah. The wish we talk about is a process which comes within time, but He is not restricted by time. Qadr of Allah has two aspects: -The contingent / conditional aspect -The unconditional aspect The unconditional aspects are like those foretold by the Ma’sumeen (as). The conditional are like the signs of the coming of the Mahdi where it is said if this happens then that will happen, because the world is based on causality, cause and effect. Laylatul Qadr is conditional and unconditional aspects of the Qadr of Allah. If the 6th, 7th or 8thImams wanted to tell someone what would happen in the future they would say let me go to the book of Fatima. This great lady has greater emphasis and mechanics than all Prophets except Khatam – Laylatul Qadr is better than 1,000 months. Her reality is greater, she is a part of the Prophet, a part of his message, a part of his reality. She is hujjat on Imam, she is Qadr itself. She is the Jamal of Allah, the Rahmah of Allah. When you ask in her name you find everything happens. Do as much istighfar as you can and on the night of Qadr when your destiny is being decided and you’re seeking tawassul of 12th Imam (as) for the sake of his grandmother, you’ll find things will change, solutions will be found, miracles will happen. Utilise these final nights, do her tawassul. Gain her marifah through repentance and recitation of the Qur’an. One of the best actions for night of Qadr is to gain knowledge. We can change through repentance and patience and through this we can get more capacity, realisation, marifah. If we don’t change we’re regressing as the entire universe is in constant movement. In these days we purify ourselves, now we need to gain knowledge and become one with the knowledge. Recite 1,000 Surah Qadr in this night for spiritual improvement, they remove the veils. Its like putting water on fire, through it we can actualise Fatima within ourselves. Repetition is actualisation of the words within ourselves. Realise importance of these nights, forget your friends and distractions and forgive your enemies. Say to Allah I have forgiven everyone, now You forgive me, I have no-one else Ya Ghafarru! Persist with sincerity; Allah will forgive us through His Mercy. Surrender self to Him and say to Him my hands are empty, You fill them. Seek help through the Imam. Solve all your problems in these nights otherwise you will have to wait one year. Put your hand to the sky outside where it’s raining mercy and say to the living Imam I need your help, I have no other helper and you have promised you will help the believer. The Imam (as) says he will come faster to the believer that the plea leaves his mouth. When tears come into your eyes they are verification that du’as being answered and God has accepted you and sins are being forgiven. Tears signify the purity of your heart, the tears cleanse your heart in these nights. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 14:47:52 +0000

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