Legal definition of Treason Treason: A breach of allegiance to - TopicsExpress


Legal definition of Treason Treason: A breach of allegiance to one’s government, usually committed through levying war against such government or by giving aid or comfort to the enemy. 1.United States & Texas Revolutions: Infographic ~ Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death! The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance; or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power. Treason consists of two elements: Adherence to the enemy, and rendering him aid and comfort. Cramer v. U. S., U.S.N.Y., 325 U.S. l, 65 S.Ct. 918, 9327 89 L.Ed. 1441. See 18 U.S.C.A. § 2381. A person can be convicted of treason only on the testimony of two witnesses, or confession in open court. Art. III, Sec. 3, U.S. Constitution. SOURCE: Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition A DECLARATION TO RESTORE THE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC THE NATIONAL CALL FOR UNITED ACTION ―When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Dr. Ron Paul ―We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. – from the U.S. Declaration of Independence ABUSES AND USURPATIONS The demise of our Constitutional Republic has been underway for nearly a hundred years. As the people placidly accepted intolerable offenses against the republic, the states, and the Constitution for decades, the Central power in Washington D.C. grew ever more powerful, ever more abusive, and ever more disconnected from the very people it was formed to represent. During the last three years, the current administration has committed the most egregious offenses against the people, the states and the Constitution, since the founding of our country and today, they operate as a virtual dictatorship, against the governed, beyond the scope and authority the people granted them in the Constitution and at odds with the will of the vast majority of American citizens. The actions of the Obama Administration in total, rise to the level of treason against the United States and its people. This must not be permitted to stand… Among other offenses, abuses and usurpations, is the following list of transgressions – (detailed in Appendix A) · Violations against Article I of the U.S. Constitution – Congress · Violations against Article II of the U.S. Constitution – The office of President · Violations against Article III of the U.S. Constitution – Judicial Powers · Violations against Article IV of the U.S. Constitution – The State · Violations against Article V of the U.S. Constitution – The Amendment Process · Violations against Article VI of the U.S. Constitution – Oath to the Constitution · Violations against the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights · Violations against the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights · Violations against the 3rd Amendment of the Bill of Rights · Violations against the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights · Violations against the 5th Amendment of the Bill of Rights · Violations against the 6th Amendment of the Bill of Rights · Violations against the 7th Amendment of the Bill of Rights · Violations against the 8th Amendment of the Bill of Rights · Violations against the 9th Amendment of the Bill of Rights · Violations against the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights · Unlawful use of Military force, here and abroad · Violations of International Treaties and Laws · Numerous violations of the public trust · Misuse of the people’s resources · The bankrupting of the nation, the states and the people · Taxation without representation · Confiscation and Redistribution of the people’s earned assets · Abuse of Judicial power After allowing them onto the bridge, the police cut off and arrested dozens of Occupy Wall Street demonstrators. In a tense showdown over the East River, police arrested hundreds of Occupy Wall Street demonstrators after they marched onto the bridge’s Brooklyn-bound roadway. THE ANGER IS JUSTIFIED ~ WE DID NOT VOTE IN THE BANKS WE VOTED IN THE CONGRESS WHO ARE TO KEEP THEIR OATHS TO THE PEOPLE AND THE CONSTITUTION. WE SHOULD BE PROTESTING EACH MEMBER OF CONGRESS WHO PROTECTED THE BANKS. FOR EXAMPLE; BARNEY FRANK, CHRISTOPHER DODD, OBAMA, HARRY REID, NANCY PELOSI, ERIC CANTOR, JOHN BOEHNER, ETC. ETC. THEY WANT WAR ON THE STREETS ~ DON’T DO IT ~ DON’T GIVE THEM AN EXCUSE TO IMPLEMENT MARTIAL LAW! Martial Law Is An Aberration: This Law Is Both An Act Of Treason & Unconstitutional. FOCUS ON CONGRESS!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 07:16:20 +0000

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