Lenoši neschopní pracovat s vyhledávačem šíří v poslední - TopicsExpress


Lenoši neschopní pracovat s vyhledávačem šíří v poslední časy bludy generované nanejvýš pochybnými a hloupými servery typu ac24.cz o tom, že Evropská komise se chystá omezit volnou distribuce semen rostlin. A že zahrádkáři budou kriminalizováni a podobné naprosté nesmysly a táraniny. Takže ve zkratce, ne není to pravda! Ano, v původním návrhu to hrozilo. A kdybyste to náhodou nevěděli, tak EK má většinu svých materiálů na webu, často i v různých jazykových mutacích. Takže: UTFG! ec.europa.eu/dgs/health_consumer/pressroom/docs/proposal_aphp_en.pdf The Soil Association welcomes the last minute revisions made to the EU regulation on the marketing of plant reproductive material, as a result of the huge public outcry across Europe. This means that micro businesses and amateur growers are exempt from the regulation. However, there is concern that the EU Directorate could rescind the exemptions without going back for a vote and there are still some major barriers to farmer and grower variety choice in the legislation. It is great that microbusinesses will benefit from the exemption, but they do not have the resources of larger businesses to invest in innovative breeding programmes, which are needed for future resilience to climate change. soilassociation.org/news/newsstory/articleid/5388/press-comment-on-the-eu-regulation-concerning-seed-varieties Ladislav Miko k tomu napsal na svém FB profilu například toto. "Hello, did you se the proposal of law adopted by European Commission? Most probably not, because what you write here is simply and bluntly NOT TRUE. Free use of seeds, and even exchange between gardeners or any other private persons is not touched, and remains even guaranteed by law (without any registration etc.), including for all microbusinesses. Registration is an option, not a duty. I recommend first to check what you write and then only to claim something, to be reliable source of information!"
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 16:36:32 +0000

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