Less than 3 hours ago, our Sun entered the most dynamic degree in - TopicsExpress


Less than 3 hours ago, our Sun entered the most dynamic degree in the sky – the first degree of Aries, the zodiac’s first sign. This degree, known as the Aries Point, releases the seed of a new beginning into the Universe. It’s happening now, around you and also within you. Wherever the first degree of Aries falls in your one-of-a-kind birth chart, the power of the Equinox has just been released. A tiny seed, surrounded on all sides by resistance, is making its way to the surface. Its mission is to break through to the light. This small, frail seed appears to be traveling against all odds. Yet what it carries within is the energy of the Aries Point. The dynamic, passionate life force will soon burst forth into the world. And when it does, our reality will be transformed. The world will come alive with leafing, budding, and blooming In the Southern Hemisphere, the miracle of transformation happens at the opposite pole each March. Its our reminder that reality is whole. As the seed power and its harvest returns to Source, the world turns gold and crimson -- heralding the descent of the life force into the depths, to be transformed and reborn. This miracle at the heart of life doesn’t just happen around you, it happens within you. Because you aren’t separate from any part of this Universe. Your birth chart shows the unique ways that youre connected to everything that exists – from the seasons of the Earth to the great vortex of creation at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. No one else has this pattern of cosmic connection. Its as individual as you are. Energetically, beginnings are extremely potent. The energy of this Equinox will infuse the entire year ahead. The patterns in play today tell us that we’re heading into a dynamic and deeply purposeful year, guided and nurtured by the Cosmic Feminine in every moment. Luna is in the intense, transformative energy of Scorpio. Saturn Saturn is nearby, pushing you to make the power of your right-brain wisdom real and tangible in your life and in our world. The goddess asteroid Vesta, who carries the energy of the priestess, is conjunct our evolutionary GPS, the Moon’s North Node. The power of the good future is inseparably linked to your ability to honor what you hold sacred. Two of the goddess asteroids at the heart of the transforming Feminine are merging their energy. Ceres, the nurturing Earth Mother, and Hekate, who comes to us when we are at lifes crossroads, are in the first degree of Scorpio. Metamorphosis and transformation are what will nurture us most deeply and powerfully in the year ahead. You can tap the potency of this energy by consciously aligning yourself with its purposes over the coming days: Know where you want to go and let go of whats dragging you down. Theres just no room in this energy for outworn patterns. Know what is sacred to you and honor it consciously -- every day of your life. Bring the sacred into the center of your life. Prayers, candles, daily rituals and practice help ground your spiritual reality in your life. Learn how to nurture yourself with the energy of transformation. Put your spiritual practice at the top of your priority list. Get a reading. Open to healing on all dimensions -- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The next six weeks will be a time youll remember for the rest of your life. Every moment will count. Every day will be saturated with energetic power.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 20:17:21 +0000

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