Let me enlighten you! Let me illuminate the darkness and expose - TopicsExpress


Let me enlighten you! Let me illuminate the darkness and expose its secrets. I speak only the truth. Satans Secret, a Luciferian Doctrine Ive been holding this info for quite sometime now, but I am afraid this doctrine will fall in the hands of wrong individual...so I think this will remain in bits and fragmented. The knowledge is quite dangerous if applied by people with distorted values. This is the Mystery of Lucifer, as they prefer to call... How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! -- Isaiah 14:12 Lucifer was the first born angels in heaven. Not born from the bosom of God but as a created being. Let us remember that distinction, Jesus was the only begotten son of God. Although sometimes angels are called sons of God, they do not possess the personal aspect of God. PERSONAL ASPECT AND UNIVERSAL ASPECT Why would a created being like Lucifer usurp that he could ever be like God? Is it possible then that he can actually become God? The answer lies in two greatest mysteries; the Universal Aspect of God and the Personal Aspect of God. That universal aspect that I have written and explore on the page Science Admitted there is a God is available in abundance and within reach by men, actually in everything that emit energy this aspect can be discover as we take a closer look in sub-atomic level experiments like those qualities found in freed electrons. That aspect is known by Lucifer, take note Lucifer is Head of all angelic creation, he possess qualities far superior to anyone except the Trinity. Now The Personal Aspect of God, is compose of three distinct personalities, and of this three Jesus is the Word made flesh. Or the personal aspect that is revealed to man. It is Jesus who represent that personal aspect most of all. THE ASCENSION OF LUCIFER Now Satan want to be the number four person of the Godhead. He knew that all the power in the universe resides in the universal aspect of God or the universal subconscious mind of God. If he could gather enough of that power he can be like The Most High. Using his charm and power of persuasion he entice other angelic being to join him. The promise he used to convince other created being You will be like God! Remember this my dear readers. This is the same ploy Lucifer uses to all. What did he said again to Eve? Surely you shall not die when you eat it, your eyes will be open and you will be like God. Here is Lucifers plan: If he can get more followers that have the universal aspect of God, he actually thinks he can equal God. He knew that the only way to win against The ALMIGHTY GOD is to use his own power against Himself. Lucifer revolt using the universal aspect of God against the Personal Aspect of God. He believe he can evolve into a God since all created being have the same divine power like God. Gods power against Gods power, sounds logical right? But... There was an outbreak in heaven. The angels was confused, what if it is indeed possible to really evolve into god, they reason out and so a third of the angelic host followed Lucifer to his self proclaim sovereignty. If Lucifer theory is correct, there is also a possibility that all beings can be like god. Jesus being fair and just to all creation and heavenly host, he let them decides for themselves. Free Will at play again here...Freedom to choose what is right and what is wrong. The Most Ancient War of All Now, the rest of the angels Headed by Archangel Michael, still loyal to The Father fought the coup plotters, so that the heavens were shaken and since then the fate of the Universe hang in suspense as Angels fight against angels, Cherubs against Cherubs, and Prince against Prince. The sons of God fighting each other... Lucifer and his host suffered their first defeat. Prince Michael overthrew the rebels...and this rebel found their refuge on Earth. Then afterward, Lucifer who became Satan (The Adversary) was recuperating...and perhaps nursing his wounds obtained from battle, he and his demons were temporarily thrown on a desolate place. The fallen angels were surprise that in six days there was transformation happening to the place. There appear trees, grass and waters, living creature of every kind suddenly appearing one by one, and behold to their surprise in a garden, a created being form in the image of God rose from the ground. They look like God?! What! God has created again another being far superior to us? The demons were troubled. So Satan observed, it didnt take long for him to realized that although man look like god they are not as wise as they look. Then his evilness surfaces again, this is his second chance...he send a serpent to entice the woman first, he was surprised, they were not aware of the universal aspect of God. They have not eaten yet the tree of knowledge. Satan said Oh No, YHWH is lying to you, you will not die...you will be like god. So the story begun the fall of angels and mankind... What was Gods plan why he remodeled Earth? (It was destroyed during the Angelic Revolt) and made man to dwell together with the castaway demons? The answer had been given more or less 2000 years ago. Because of Gods love. Our Father simply want to demonstrate His love to all creation...both man and angels. In Calvary he offered his own (Personal Aspect) one and only son as atonement for sin. Satan was the more enrage! God freely gave to man His personal aspect. That same personal aspect that he been trying to usurp since ancient time. Far more worst is that Jesus even promise another personal aspect which is The Holy Spirit if you abide in Him. Wait a minute, it cant be real. Satan was confused, Ive been trying to steal all this position and qualities but GOD is simply giving this all for free to a far lesser creature? Satan knew he had long been defeated but he wont tell you that. Hed been hiding that secret. He want you to focus on the material aspect of the universe. So he had been sending false prophets to teach us the Luciferian Doctrine of what? That we can all be god someday! Now remember that he is an ambitious deceiver and a liar. Satan no longer want to level with God and form part of the Godhead. He had decided to be above the Godhead. How he would do that? He thinks that if he can gather as many souls as possible to worship him, therefore multitude of consciousness towards rebellion (sin) which he authored, will eventually oust God in majority decision and be replaced on the throne. Luciferian doctrine promises that it is a battle of Will. The Will of God or the Will of satanism. Dont be persuaded by that. God had already made us his temple. You must also remember that Satan hate human race one hundred percent. Because we are form in the likeness of God. He hates us because of jealousy... Remember that by Darwinism he abase human as mere monkeys? He stole our true identity. He made our origin as an amoeba swimming in hot soup of prehistoric past. We have no destiny! We are just going into oblivion like the rest of the Atheist. But now we know the truth... 1 Corinthians 3: 16 Dont you know that you yourselves are Gods temple and that Gods Spirit lives in you? We dont need another road. Jesus is that way! New Age Doctrines The same promise from New Age Followers that by absorbing the universal consciousness which is an Aspect of God, we can also be gods. Isnt it familiar? It is quite alarming that in the past years we have seen increase of Nature Worshiper, they believe that by making ourselves aware of the Universal Consciousness, the more people being attune to Nature a.k.a. voice of god via transcendental meditation, drawing in the chi, experiencing in the force (Yoda teaching Anakin Skywalker?), chakkra, Wiccan spells, mysticism, divination and idol worships...they believe people will reach heaven by that way. The Power of God Let us take notice why Michael the Archangel won the first battle? Even if Lucifer is the most powerful angelic being ever created. At that time God is with them. God shares his Personal aspect during that battle while Lucifer rely on his own power and the power of Universal aspect. The distinction of focus is very important to all of us here. Man can not do anything if God does not allow. The same goes with angels, they are incomplete without relationship with God. I would like you to return to the freed electron experiment. Why is it moving in direction called uncertainty principle? Think for yourself this mysteries... Grace be unto you all. I will give only little detail because those bad people are looking, they have been trying to rob God of power. Dont you worry, if you are truly Gods children you will know this secret of the universe. Actually, it is no secret at all, just take the time to read the Bible.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 01:56:16 +0000

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