Let me recap my evening for you. Bob busted down the fence. My - TopicsExpress


Let me recap my evening for you. Bob busted down the fence. My husband didnt tell me he left a big hole there. Rosa got out and was patrolling the back 40, but she was ready to eat and turn in, so I had high hopes of an easy reentry. I coaxed her up the stone stairs in the yard, one handful of grain at a time. Twelve inches from the gate, she turned back around and went walkabout again. Chasing her is pointless, so I left her to it. By the time I dished out hay, she was back at the gate and entered calmly. I went to fix the fence temporarily, and all my nosy goats followed. Cookie sprouted wings and jumped 4 feet straight up, onto the stone wall, clearing up the question of how she got in the closed pen yesterday. Bob flipped out and tried to climb the 6 foot section, and I had to joust with him using my rake, while I yelled at Cookie and she ignored me, devouring the shrubbery. Luckily, hes too big and bulky to fly, which was my only silver lining right then. I finally got Bob to chill, tied up the fence as well as I could, and went up and around to get Cookie, who, of course, sprouted wings again and sailed down into the barnyard from the wall. She gave me an innocent meh when I shone my light down there. I may or may not have threatened to make her into stew. If I did, she knows its an idle threat. Allegedly. At last, I put my layer feed into my wagon and started down the hill. Im always nearly getting run over by it, so I had the brilliant idea to just let it go and meet it down at the walkway. Shocking no one but me, my wagon did a total Dukes of Hazzard, flying past the walkway, sailing over the steps, and heading merrily into the darkness of the lower jungle, I mean yard, as I ran behind it screaming, No! STOP! PLEASE!! At that point, I guess the farm fae took pity on me, because IT DID. Just before trundling itself into the woods, the handle dug itself into the ground and my feed was still in it. I probably danced around it in a circle for several minutes. My very last cross to bear was a stink bug in my sock, which paradoxically aggravated me more than anything else. Priorities, people. So. Hows your weekend going?
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:14:51 +0000

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