Let me say in (IMO) that the straightest PATH to understanding - TopicsExpress


Let me say in (IMO) that the straightest PATH to understanding rises from being willing to always be focused in a conscious state of personal TOTAL HONESTY in examining by exposing all the information and knowledge that is officially forbidden and that has hidden from humanity. This simply means that NO IDEA IS SO SACRED THAT IT CANNOT BE EXAMINED. Recently I was asked why in the HELL was I defining and calling the IMAGE OF JESUS THE WHITE CHRIST A * NAZI PHENOMENA??? I have not suffered from habitual mental laziness nor will I be found guilty of abrogating my conscious responsibility as a member of the human family. The Vatican Library and its Psychopathic manipulators of human history are indeed guilty of stealing The Legacy Of Humanity by stealing destroying and falsifying ALL PAGAN KNOWLEDGE and hiding everything about the TRUTH of the God-Concept. The ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH does not worship any GOD other than Lucifer. Every Pope since Constantine The Great has overlayed and controlled the TRUTH about Christ Consciousness and they made the truth into a LIE by making their FALSE JESUS INTO THE ALLEGED *SAVIOR of mankind as the ONLY god-man to incarnate on planet earth. MESSIAH means [ message regarding the validity of the eternal soul] MESSAGE, but for any message of true knowledge to be effective it has FIRST to be RECEIVED and UNDERSTOOD as well as being appreciated by the receivers. The Roman Catholic Church employed the proverbial *CRUSADES to abort and annihilate the MESSAGE OF THE REAL HISTORICAL TRUE CHRIST ENTITY who appeared on earth in the DRAMA played by three male human personalities. The man called Jesus was not the only male personality possessing [ *CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS WITHIN THE DRAMA * ]. This was a local MORALITY PLAY performed in our little corner of the Universe on our plane of physical reality. The entire representation of the MEANING OF THE MESSAGE GIVEN IN THIS HISTORICAL DRAMA HAS BEEN INSIDIOUSLY DISTORTED AND TOXICALLY CORRUPTED. The CHURCH OF LUCIFER set up the LIE OF JESUS in a time coded prophecy of the release of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS to have been set at 2000 A.D. You must realize that the idea of a DEVIL is a theological fabricated FICTION, whereas the character Lucifer does not represent the same psychological phenomenon. These two idea-concepts are not the same expression given by the proverbial *WHORE OF BABYLON. There is no TRUTH in the idea-concept of a *SAVIOR for mankind. The very dogma tampers with the PRIME DIRECTIVE of human [ * INDIVIDUAL CONSCIOUS RESPONSIBILITY * ]. CAVEAT For the very purpose of human physical existence is that each and every human personality realize the creative powers of their own thoughts and in learning these LESSONS they come to master the fundamental principles inherent in all consciousness to effectively command the ART OF IDEA CONSTRUCTION in the creation of their own personal reality. * It is for THIS PURPOSE THAT ALL HUMANS HAVE INCARNATED IN CORPOREAL FORM. Every individuated I AM PERSONALITY is a portion of what mankind believes GOD IS and not simply the GREAT LIE OF THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON AS NAZI JESUS. Absolutely nothing on this earth is further from the NAKED TRUTH than the monumental lies thrust upon human consciousness in the form of the GREAT NAZI JESUS LIE. You yourselves are equally each a portion of what god is and that *DIVINITY wants to be you and has chosen to manifest as the YOU of the you that you have believed you were. The Christ and the Buddha are both what you are MEANT TO BECOME in your own SELF ACTUALIZATION PROCESS OF VALUE FULFILLMENT. * This process of *BECOMING is the only life game that takes place on our earth. This is the meaning and purpose of your own personal sacred human experience here on this earth planet. — feeling blessed. 2Unlike · · Promote · Share You and Meh Ann Leh like this.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:21:42 +0000

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