Let me share something I have shared months ago: the Easter of - TopicsExpress


Let me share something I have shared months ago: the Easter of the year my daughter would have been 26 (2013), on Holy Thursday, I had a vision. In that vision I was NOT ME, I was Jesus. Sounds weird, but its true and amazing. I looked around me and there was a huge crowd of people approaching me. I had NO EGO, I had NO feeling of POWER or AUTHORITY. I had ONLY PURE UNBRIDLED JOY, laughing out loud joy, because I *knew* that everyone in my presence was blessed and healed: physically, emotionally, psychologically....SPIRITUALLY. And then I turned and saw a womans hand reaching out, crippled, and I extended my hand to hers. Then the vision ended. Well, several days later I went to Portugal. I spent some time in Lisbon and then went to Fatima where I was on my daughters 26th birthday. It was magical, amazing things were given to me there (another story, another day). On the way back to Paris from Lisbon, a young woman sat next to me. She was wearing a black hat, a long black coat. She slept and when she awoke she began to talk to me. She took her hat off. She was extremely beautiful, young (probably at most 30), and bald because of chemotherapy. She told me she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and, by the time the health care system in Portugal had decided upon a treatment, the tumor had grown. She was on her way to Strasbourg for chemotherapy. A woman this age with an aggressive breast cancer has a death sentence, in our world. She showed me pictures of her two beautiful children who were being cared for back in Portugal by her mother. And suddenly, that vision came back to me. I thought, God, did you allow that vision so You could work THROUGH me and so I put my arms around her. The day I pass into His arms I will know if it had an effect. Eight minutes of extraordinary prayer and music.....watch and listen, raise your hands, He hears you. I know this because He hears me, every single time I speak to Him. Amazingly, it can take only MINUTES before I get a tangible answer! Ive been doing this, opening myself and growing in this Relationship, since very early childhood. But you....you can start today, He will respond to you as quickly as He responds to me, but you must be OPEN, you must listen, you must watch. Yes, He will hear you and answer you. I promise. Set aside your anger, brothers and sisters; put your grief, your disappointment, your fear, your suffering, and turn to Him. Then, begin to learn to trust. It can take a few minutes, or a few hours, or weeks, or months, or even years. If you bring yourself before Him every day (and you do not need to use formal prayer), He will draw closer to you. Oh, there is no denying that Presence. You will know. You will feel it. It will surround you. Can you not give Him eight minutes....to change your life? https://youtube/watch?v=ocA6YjFdiKw
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:45:44 +0000

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