Let me share with yall how good God is and how blessed those that - TopicsExpress


Let me share with yall how good God is and how blessed those that love Him are!! Yesterday after leaving the mall with my babies, a lady flagged me down as I was driving and told me my back tire was almost all the way flat. I pulled over to check it out and sure enough, I was almost riding on my rim!! Yall know how Ive been saying how important it is to listen to your inner voice because its God speaking to you ( unless you have several voices, and in that case, seek clinical help!! lol ) So, most people would say dont drive anymore cause you could warp your rim but my spirit told me to say a prayer and drive to the McDonalds parking lot. Of course, I did. I pulled in, posted a status asking if any of my FB friends were in the area to come help out. No one answered. I didnt have a phone to call anyone so I just decided to be patient, I knew it was goin get worked out. Just wasnt sure how yet. ( Faith ) A few minutes later, a lady an elderly lady and a baby pull up beside me and once again that inner voice spoke so clear to me and told me to ask her to use her phone. Now, it took a minute for me to go along with that lol because ppl can be so unpredictable but after being a lil reluctant, I did. I told her my situation and asked her if I could call someone to come get me and my babies. She didnt hesitate to let me use her phone. It was almost as if she was there just for me. Now that I sit here and think back, she never even went in the restaurant she only came to meet someone and just so happened to park next to me. ( look at God!! ) so, after I finished my unsuccessful call lol I handed her the phone back and she handed me a piece of paper with her name and number and said I have 4 good tires that you can have that came off a car that I got rid of. Call me anytime tomorrow and I can get them to you. I have to share this because it could have been so easy for me to get mad yday, stay where the problem stopped me, and blame others for not coming to help (which I did feel a lil salty about ) BUT GOD and my knowledge of who He is and how He works, I knew I had to keep goin even tho it looked like it wasnt in my favor ( faith ). Listening to that voice confirms to my spirit that God is with me and the provision is in obedience. No one can convince me that although Im a sinner, God loves me any less. Jesus came so that we all can abound in Gods grace, mercy, favor, and love. I hope someone can be inspired by this small testimony this morning. No matter what it looks like, listen for your instructions, trust God, and keep going-- the blessing will meet you there!! Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:39:38 +0000

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