Let me tell you whats on my mind....I am 67 years old this year. I - TopicsExpress


Let me tell you whats on my mind....I am 67 years old this year. I was born LONG after slavery was settled, the American Indian stuff of the 1600s-1800s.... and all of that! My Great, Great Grandmother ran one of the final transfer points of the underground railroad from her home. I never met a Black person till I was 12...that doesnt count the Nanny I had when I was 2. That house of my GG Grandmother was only a few miles from the Passamaquody Indian Reservation. They were kin and friends. I have many beloved friends of all possible colors, creeds and peoples. Now for a bit of a history lesson to some of those beloved who insist on continuing to drive the wedge deeper between all peoples. It was Africans who warred, and caught other tribesmen and women and children and sold them to the Dutch slave traders! The Dutch did NOT go into Africa and hunt slaves. They bought them on a free and open market and sold them to people who held to slavery. I DIDNT DO ANY OF THAT. I wasnt alive. I did work with the freedom riders during the last few years they were together. It wasnt white men who introduced scalping to the mayhem. The aboriginal peoples of North America were warrior clans, and fought with each other LONG before the Europeans arrived. Oh yes there were horrible things, done on all sides...people were sold and bought, religious zealots did aweful things in the name of their God. NOBODY ALIVE TODAY HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT! Most of the wars between the Native people were for slave trading and bridal raids...after horses were introduced, raiding parties would got to steal the other guys ponies. Pretty tame stuff actually. But there are some stories that would curl your hair. This is 2013...It is time to get your heads out of 1492 through the 1800s and get to work building a nation of people working for the here and now. What was, was...for sure...history tells us so....even if somewhat warped. What good is all of this stuff about what happened...it isnt anymore. Oh I know someone is going to pop off about how bad it is in the inner city or the rez. How long will everyone use that stuff as their personal excuse for todays inaction. I have been on some reservations that have it a hell of a lot better than I do. Many of the tribes here in Oklahoma work hand in hand with the communities they boarder with wonderful things of culture and medicine, bridges and roads. How is this possible...WORKING TOGETHER! So, as to all the clutter on my FB page that has to do with the spread of hate between peoples. will be deleted. Now political parties is a whole different game....GAME ON!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:47:21 +0000

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