Lets keep gaming the system, says sore loser and early quitter - TopicsExpress


Lets keep gaming the system, says sore loser and early quitter Eric Cantor. Cantor asked Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe to call a special election in the district to coincide with the general election expected for November 4, according to the newspaper, allowing the winner to take office immediately rather than with the next Congress in January. “That way he will also have seniority, and that will help the interests of my constituents,” Cantor added in his interview with the Times-Dispatch. Virginia is losing much of its congressional seniority this year, due to the resignations of Republican Rep. Frank Wolf and Democratic Rep. Jim Moran. Brat thanked Cantor for his service in a statement. His service? He just wasted his entire term actively preventing any governing from getting done. Hes an embarrassment to democracy. Dont let the door hit you too hard on the way out.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:45:42 +0000

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