Lets put all jokes aside for a minute. Awaiting HSC results is - TopicsExpress


Lets put all jokes aside for a minute. Awaiting HSC results is no doubt an anxiety provoking situation for many of us, however for some its much more stressful than that. External factors such as pressure that one puts on themselves and expectations from family and friends to do nothing but achieve high results all plays a major role in doing the HSC. Before you all wake up tomorrow morning and see your results, I want to tell you all that no matter what your marks reveal, its never a real indication of what youre truly capable of. The HSC system isnt fair, but you just got to find the right way to play the system and beat it at its own game. The amount of alternative pathways these days is plentiful. I just dont want any of you to feel that the marks you see tomorrow morning is some sort of official test to see just how smart you are, because its not, and Ill tell you why. During the year I was a very high achieving student, generally holding very high ranks for all my subjects. With this, I should have been acing and feeling confident with the external HSC exams, but I wasnt. I never told teachers or friends this, but during my HSC exam block I suffered a major nervous breakdown (other reasons involved), where I was so close on giving up on life and doing something stupid. Because of this, I quite literally screwed up all my exams. I would go blank, and write a one and a half page response to extended response questions when I would normally do something like three to four booklets. Basically, I now knew that because I screwed up some exams that would be counting towards 50% of my ATAR, there was no chance I was going to get the ATAR I needed to get into the course I wanted. Does this mean that I wasnt good enough to not get into a certain course? That it meant I wasnt as smart as everyone else? Of course not. But the way the system is set, its set to make you feel that way. Luckily for me, I received Early Entry into my preferred course and everything worked out for me, and Ill also in a much better state of mind. But for many of you who are still relying on those results and waiting for that ATAR on Thursday, please, dont put yourself down about it. You all did the absolute best you could do throughout the year, and even if you feel that you didnt, you did as much as you could in order to allow yourself to cope and get through the year. So even if on Thursday Morning you wake up to a Mystery Mark, I want you to have a hard out celebration, because youre out of this HSC game now, and youre free. Even the BOSTES cant stop you now, the future is just beginning and there is no limit to what you can achieve. If you do want someone to talk to, Ill be here watching the page very carefully tomorrow and on Thursday if you want to send me an inbox and just talk. If however, youre feeling you just cant deal with your emotions right now, call one of these helplines and have a chat with someone: Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 Lifeline: 13 11 14 All the best to all of you, and I sincerely wish each and every one of you, all 31,400 of you, the very best of success. Its been one hell of a journey, and Im glad through this page weve been able to go through it together. Much love, HSC 2014 Admin.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 10:58:58 +0000

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