Lets say you wake up after a night out; naked, held down on a - TopicsExpress


Lets say you wake up after a night out; naked, held down on a table by swaths of cling-wrap. And you cant move your head, but your peripheral vision detects someone approaching at about waist-level. He looms over you, looking down. Hes wearing goggles, and carrying a chainsaw. How much is your last hour worth to you now? Or youre caught in an earthquake, and you dont know if the house youre in will withstand it or collapse, crushing you to death. How much is your final time on earth worth now? Chances are you might offer Dexter a lot of money to let you go, and make outrageous bargains with your god that, while sincere now you will forget later. Point is, your time is valuable to you. Why does our society persist in helping underpaid wage slaves by boosting the minimum wage just enough to keep the hardship coming while pretending youre doing people a great favor. Wealth for the chronically underpaid is limited to a random lottery win; income increases just keep clicking along like a broken ratchet. For every step gained, you slip back a bit. For some reason, our society wants hardworking people to always be scrabbling at the bottom because they spend eight hours a day making your food, cleaning your messes, driving your cabs, wage-slaving away on the bottom rungs of the food chain. Yet somehow, your 9 to 5 is worth more than theirs because you went to college, and now you labor for a living wage doing something utterly meaningless to the real world. Preparing food and clean environments, worth more than your daily paper shoveling? In a rational world, yes. But then, in a rational world, people who teach your children would be paid more than some mutt who can run real fast and throw a ball. Why is it their eight hour work days arent good enough to provide a living wage? Is it the labor? Working in a restaurant may not be rocket science, but it takes a lot of experience to make it run smoothly. The suited, shaved and aftershave class doesnt like being discommoded while feeding. They get real pissy about it. Yet, these are some of the same class that thinks if you want a living wage you should go to college to get it. Never mind some people have families and cant spare the time or money for school. A lot of people just dont have the inclination for education. But they work, and usually they work hard for a pittance. And their labor is making someone up the economic food chain a bit wealthier. The GOP spokes-holes and media fan club seems to think they get to pigeonhole jobs according to pay and education. Fast food jobs, according to them, are entry level positions where a high school kid or college student can learn the benefit of hard work for little compensation. Statistics show that many fast food restaurant workers are in their 30s, are raising families on nearly nothing, and struggling. So who the hell set up Fox and Friends as the Deciders of What Is A Real Job? Why do they think these peoples time is not even worth a living wage? These people prepare clean, safe food for you to enjoy. Fox pundits pretty much sit behind a desk and blurp out toxic bullshit from their pie-holes. And they get paid a lot to perform this absolutely unvital service. The working poor have been hobbled for centuries by hard work and insufficient pay. Now it is becoming clear that this exploitation has to lead to public money being used to shore up these peoples lives, when really? Look at their employers. Fat, rich corporations who cannot even provide the least of their employees a decent living because thats just not how its done. I think its time we reviewed this situation and agree, it is time to give the working poor a fair compensation for their time spent enriching their employers.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 15:44:59 +0000

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