Lets say you were a total couch potato with no real workout resume - TopicsExpress


Lets say you were a total couch potato with no real workout resume except for some twist and turns in kindergarten, would it be clever to go all out 100% and run a marathon in a month? Youd have to train several hours a day and if not sooner than on the third or fourth day on this challenge you would find yourself worn out, blisters, aching joints, stale and cramping muscles, lethargy, youd feel like a zombie, depressed and all until you made your sortie threw in the towel, gave up and went back to the old comfy habits you used to have. A bit bitter, frustrated and disappointed, but hey, you tried, body did not keep up, your age was taking out its course.... Really?? NO!!!!! When you change your lifestyle with your NUTRITION in focus, you must pace yourself. Its not a marathon you can train for in a month. If you do too much too soon you wont be able to keep it up! Just like an elite training program is not appropriate for beginners, going from a pretty average American diet to a strict, super lean in mind diet too fast will do this for you: 1. You will wear out mentally and emotionally sooner than you see big results. 2. You will be so fed up with extreme habits and no nos and forbidden fruit you cant wait to the diet to be over and done so you can gorge and eat all you missed out on. If you cannot sustain a diet you wont reap the benefits or see how your body can change. Change that turns to a constant change takes time and patience. If you get there too soon, you will balloon back just fast. I am sure youve seen a lot of those 400 lbs or more people lose more than 200 lbs in a few months just to regain it all again! If you are too strict too fast your brain will be really pissed with you. Too many cant and dont make your mind negative. And since most yo yo dieters (yes many of you figure competitors are that too since you gain way more weight in the off season than you want to or feel comfortable with) have a hard time staying positive and focus on all the forbidden stuff not ok on the diet instead of all of that which IS ok to have, you just put yourself there: in a bad mental state for achieving weight loss without becoming bitter, grumpy, hungry and angry! New to loads of vegetables? Do not expect to chew down loads of them in once. Start with changing ONE meal at a time. Start with your breakfast. CHANGE one item to another. Then when you manage that without complaints, when its natural to you, start transforming your snacks, then your lunch, your dinner, your treats. Do not rush it because whats the rush: you have a deadline now and after that what: going back to eating crap again? YOU ARE DOING THIS CHANGE ONCE AND FOR ALL. THERE IS JUST A JOURNEY, there is no end destination! You do not become pro at training or cardio or deadlifts in a week. So, you do not become pro at food in a week either! It took me a few years to understand and accept that eating rice, oats, healthy grains, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, chicken breast, eggs, yoghurt, lean meats etc in amounts that made me full and satisfied did not create the lean physique I aspired to achieve. One day I checked what an accurate portions of all the foods mentioned were and I was in shock: How could those foolishly small servings every make ANYONE full?! So I realized, I had to do something else. I realized the key was vegetables due to the low calorie content and the bulk. With this little story I want to tell you that I know its not fair or does not always work the way you want with food and nutrition. Portion servings of most foods except for vegetables are pretty small if you need to watch your calories to reach your target body composition. Either you accept eating that amount or you do something else. The Something else is called FIGHTER DIET:-) GET ON IT NOW! fighterdiet/fitness/store/paks/couple-s-fighter-diet-pak
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:14:10 +0000

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