Lets send out a wave of heart tickles to everyone in our global - TopicsExpress


Lets send out a wave of heart tickles to everyone in our global community who is feeling their entire life and perceptions of reality crumble... I certainly have been watching aspects of my life crumble away, to reveal some yet unknown beauty. In the midst of this, I am sending special love and care to my friends out there who are out on a limb and praying for guidance....In a time of so much transformation, and so much change...what to do? Theres only one thing to do. Breathe into the moment, and make a choice to trust your self and where this moment is going. Make a choice to be love. Love for yourself. Love for each other. Love for our planet. Breathe it, sing it, live it. Be it. Write it. Dance it. Talk to your challenges, like a lover. Get in bed with them, wrestle them, learn from them. Dont hide from them. As the year of the horse is off to a full-on gallop, life seems to be moving so very quickly, whipping us past our growth edges into the beyond! Sometimes its an exciting ride.Sometimes its...well, lately I feel like Ive fallen off my horse! It happens. :) And life goes on. There is music to be made, projects to bloom, relationships to nurture. However one of my growth edges is to challenge myself to peel back and share my love, my light, my vulnerability, and my shadow with you, my community. I do this with the prayer that we shed these final misconceptions about the others out there we perceive and honor as our inspirations, our leaders, our spiritual teachers, the superstars, activists, and pillars of light who have the courage to stand in front of the collective and say - this is who I AM. Many believe that these ones are not dealing with the deepest of the deep shit just like you are....well they are. Remember that being in the light means being a master of our shadow. Theres no way around it, only through. Being vulnerable means we will get wounded sometimes, like the Christ, and like the Christ we will rise up and make it mean something for others by sharing our journey and turning our broken heart into a golden flaming heart of compassion. We open ourselves to life completely, running from safety into the wild and limitless creative path of our souls guidance. We get let down, or something changes and we get burned. We do it again and again. Why? Because after all weve been through - look at what has come as a result! We now have a deeper compassion for all of life. We no longer have to repeat the same actions...we now have wisdom. Being seen also comes with a lot of projections...everyone thinks they know you, and perhaps theyve heard someone talking about you and whats going on, or they saw your last post or picture on Facebook, so they have you figured out. Well you dont have anyone figured out. We are fire, earth, air, water, and stardust, filled with consciousness, dancing life alive, stitching realms together, existing in paradox, and creating the conditions for what we most need to experience and share in each moment...we are an eye the size of a universe, witnessing itself as billions of sparks of beating hearts. We are the pioneers of the golden age, and I am embracing this journey off the map of what is known, just like you. I am the light, and the shadow that defines it. I am the heartbroken human, and I am the angel who fills my life with comfort. I am the wholeness that embraces all of life. From this moment comes a thousand songs, and the beginning of a new era of loving.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 23:28:59 +0000

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