Lets step back for a minute, away from cures for non-existent - TopicsExpress


Lets step back for a minute, away from cures for non-existent diseases, because the only reason you have a disease is because someone told you you did and you accepted it. You may have experienced a symptom then ran off to check it out or you may have been steered into thinking you needed a check up every year just to see if anything was wrong. At a molecular level you are 99% water. The human body recycles and circulates about 40,000 glasses of water every 24 hours. This is 10,000 liters or roughly 2500 gallons every 24 hours. What do you think happens to the body when it does not have enough water to perform the physiological functions necessary to life? Notice how the manipulated thought drink 6 - 8 glasses of water a day has become a mantra? Well, it is FALSE. Like everything else people are repeating we have NO scientific evidence for that statement. This is from another medical researcher looking to see what we base our teaching on: That said, there is no scientific evidence to back up the very specific and well-worn advice that you need to drink eight, 8-ounce glasses of water a day (a.k.a. the 8 x 8 rule). In 2002, Heinz Valtin, MD, a retired physiology professor from Dartmouth Medical School and author of two textbooks on kidney function, published the definitive paper on the subject in the American Journal of Physiology. He spent 10 months searching medical literature for scientific evidence of the 8 x 8 rule only to come up empty-handed. The first step to ALL healing, without which nothing else can be of benefit, is to reverse persistent chronic dehydration. Once you do that, and it takes being religious about it every day for at least 3 months before your body is hydrated, anything else you do is icing on the cake. The cake is water. 12 minutes after a glass of STRUCTURED water, all cancer markers are gone. Structured water is living and we can see that on a blood smear and can measure the voltage. We are in the energy realm now. Salt increases conductivity of water, lowers surface tension so it can be absorbed into the interior of the cell, and replaces acidic waste. Nothing pathological can remain in the body when it is hydrated.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 17:41:32 +0000

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