Letter from the Editor: How I see it. Episode 4: Indifference - TopicsExpress


Letter from the Editor: How I see it. Episode 4: Indifference ★★★★ [Spoiler Alert] Do not read this post if youre behind. How I see it, everybody in The Walking Dead thinks they make the right decision. Right or wrong, it all depends on which side of the fence youre looking through. I think last nights concluding decision was fair, even though I know down the story, its not going to hold up because Carol will make a return. The thing is, when you live in a community such as this and youre a part of a council, people have to trust you. When you do things on your own, especially murder, people will lose that trust and some people might even fear you. Like I said in my How I see it post last week, I dont see anything good way out of this for Carol. I still dont understand why fans are behind Carols decision. I get that people are behind Carol because she has been a victim all her life and now shes seems stronger and sure she said she did what she had to do, which makes it sounds like what she did was justified, but to quote Ricks final words No, you didnt. I have to emphasize this again, but Karen and David were already isolated. They were waiting for the doctors to figure out a cure. They at least deserved a chance to make it through. No one reading this post would want to be murdered just because they got sick. They would want to be cured. Murdering 2 innocent people doesnt make you look stronger, it makes you look weaker. She acted hastily out of FEAR that something she doesnt know about, might or might not hurt her and the group. Carol even went as far as comparing her killing Karen and David to Rick killing Shane. The difference in the two scenario is that Shane was going to kill Rick, but Carol also tried to reason that they (Karen and David) were going to kill them also. I strongly disagree with this reasoning because They were not going to kill Rick or the group. The flu maybe. Karen and David turning into walkers probably. But They had no intention of killing anybody. Shane killed Randal in order to get Rick alone in the woods. Rick had to kill him first. Karen and David got sick and went into isolation. Carol didnt have to kill them at all. No one had to. If you killed someone who had no intention of killing you, youre a murderer and theres no reason why anyone in your community should trust you. Another part of the episode that was a clue for us that Carols decision making isnt where it needs to be right now, is after they encountered and accepted the strangers as new members of the group. These two were injured and had to hide from 1 walker in the house. They even admitted to not being able to kill a single walker efficiently. The correct decision was to keep them holed up in the house until Rick and Carol came back for them. Carol suggested that they help sweep of the neighborhood for supplies which ultimately led to the girls death. And after finding out about it, Carol was pretty cold about the situation. Some people are saying Carol has better leadership qualities than Rick and even Chris Hardwick said that on Talking Dead that he would want a leader who was a little cold, but having a cold leader doesnt necessarily help your survival. Cold leaders will send you out to your deaths knowingly. Great leaders does whats best for you. Even banishing Carol was a great decision because even if no one finds out what she did and she came back to the group, Carols guilt would have consumed her after having to see Tyreese day in and day out. Personally, I would rather have a leader with something to live for. Someone with hope. When you have nothing to lose, you become reckless. You put others at risk. But thats just how I see it. --Searth Side notes: Im a little worried about the group in isolation right now which includes Glenn, Hershel, and Sasha. Rick noticed the missing knife in the arsenal at the beginning of the episode and Carol tells Lizzie to use that knife if she was in danger. This might be an eerie foreshadowing for somebodys fate in the isolation block. #walkingdead
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 18:51:09 +0000

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