Letter to the Editor: Tia Belau Issue 89 November 7, 2013 Dear - TopicsExpress


Letter to the Editor: Tia Belau Issue 89 November 7, 2013 Dear Editor: The newspaper headlines of a Senate re-organization has been the main topic of coffee shop discussions and the general public in recent days. It has been branded differently by some who see it not as a re-organization of the Senate, but a clear sign of a DISORGANIZED majority and weak leadership. This may be a valid observation as the Senate minority has remained the same amidst Senate President Chin’s failure to keep the membership of the Senate majority intact in less than a year after being sworn into office. Under his leadership he has joined Senator Phillip Reklai in razor sharpening the seven knives that would eventually stab Senator Baules in the back instead of discussing this issue with him face to face as one would expect a majority leader to do. As it stands, the Senate of the 9th OEK has a seven member majority; a five member minority bloc and one lone independent that the majority threw out of the window after he was no longer any use to them (7-5-1). The Senate can now conveniently continue to maintain its role as a Rubber Stamp for the Executive Branch and pursue with reckless abandon its quest to introduce the most bills ever, raise your taxes and live up to the mirage of increased revenues they promised while on the campaign trail. Yes, the increased taxes that come from our pockets; not added revenue from innovative ways to expand and diversify the revenue base. Senator Baules, you should find comfort in the fact that now you need not commit yourself to defending the shortcomings of the Senate majority and its leadership. You need not defend their collective efforts to correct bad laws they have rushed and passed. Many say that while the Hon. Elias Camsek Chin presides over the sessions of the Senate, there are more powerful influences that truly dictate the decisions he makes. This recent and unprecedented change within the Senate majority may be an indication of this. The new Senate Vice President Phillip Reklai commented with a smile after unseating Baules, “a game a mla mo merek,” the game is over. I truly hope that as the Senate President and his loyal majority play their political games, “We the People” are not forgotten. Sincerely, Name and Address Withheld
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 01:55:14 +0000

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