Letting Go! As the cool winds of autumn blow, our mountains are - TopicsExpress


Letting Go! As the cool winds of autumn blow, our mountains are turning from multiple shades of green to brilliant yellows, oranges and reds. As the trees head into winter and no longer have a need for the nutrient production from the leaves, the trees gently let them go, to fall to the ground to provide future nourishment for that which is yet to come. All around us, it is the season for letting go of that which we no longer need in our lives. It is the time to look at our life and let go of that which no longer serves us. Perhaps it’s as simple as cleaning out your closet and giving away clothing that you haven’t worn in a while, or letting go of a toxic relationship or job that is not good for you and doesn’t serve your higher purpose. Maybe, it’s as easy as forgiving that one person that you just can’t forgive, or letting go of the baggage you’ve been carrying on your shoulders for years. Or, maybe it’s letting go of a habit that isn’t good for you, or an attitude that is holding you back. Perhaps it’s releasing negative beliefs about yourself or others. Whatever it is, be like a strong oak and let them go. Let your “leaves” fall to the ground where Mother Nature will reabsorb them for future good. Take a moment and think about it…. What are your “leaves”? To every thing there is a season… and perhaps now is a good time to let them go. Imagine all of your worries and your cares gently fluttering to the ground. The tree doesn’t worry about where next spring’s leaves will come from, but lives in the season with a knowing that its needs will be met. Be like a tree and practice this level of trust. Worry not, knowing that as we live in the season and in the moment, the next one will take care of itself, all in perfect timing, even when we can’t recognize it at the time. Just trust, and let go. Holding onto things that no longer serve our higher purpose is like trying to fly while carrying a sack of rocks on your back. It won’t work. We can only soar in life, when we’re ready and willing to let go of the things, beliefs, thoughts and feelings that are holding us back. Now is the time to let them go. Maybe today is a good day to take a walk in the woods and reconnect with the greater part of who you are- the part that is infinite, all-knowing, fearless and powerful beyond belief. Then be like the mighty trees and allow your leaves to fall, knowing that as each one hits the ground, you are closer to the goals and dreams you have set for yourself… and just like the trees, it all starts with the process of letting go.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 06:59:13 +0000

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