Let’s not worry about the true despots of world history, like - TopicsExpress


Let’s not worry about the true despots of world history, like Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro or Pol Pot, who enslaved and murdered their own people. Let’s ignore King George and the British generals who ordered American colonists burned alive in a locked church. Let’s ignore the fact that the U.S. government injected blacks with syphilis in medical experiments — without their knowledge or consent. Let’s ignore the fact that Franklin D. Roosevelt sent a boat of Jews escaping Hitler back to Germany, where all of them perished. Let’s ignore all those truly terrible and deadly deeds by government. Let’s just look at recent history since electing Barack Obama. Obama’s Internal Revenue Service persecuted honest people for the crime of being conservative critics of Obama, yet Obama nominated proven tax cheats like Tom Daschle, Nancy Killefer, Hilda Solis and Ron Kirk to major positions in his Administration. Obama also criticized Mitt Romney for keeping his money in the Cayman Islands, but then named Jack Lew to become Treasury Secretary, even though Lew keeps his money in the Cayman Islands. Do you trust these cheats and hypocrites to monitor your taxes, oversee your healthcare or listen to your phone calls? Obama and Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi, Libya, and ordered Susan Rice to lie to the media for two weeks. Then, Obama even lied about the terrorist attack multiple times in front of the United Nations. personalliberty/2013/06/20/trust-my-government-are-you-kidding/
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 13:34:10 +0000

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