Let’s take this scientific report and put it in lay terms. The - TopicsExpress


Let’s take this scientific report and put it in lay terms. The headline says it all; when Splenda is heated in cooking, it releases dioxin. What is dioxin and why do we care? Dioxin is a pollutant that belongs to the “dirty dozen”. DDT and dioxin share similar chemical characteristics and both exist indefinitely once released. Dioxin is highly toxic causing long-term human health effects- skin lesions and patchy darkening of the skin, altered liver function, impairment of the immune system, the developing nervous system, the endocrine system, reproductive functions, and cancers. Splenda dropped its slogan Made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar in 2007 and is not the healthy alternative. Through chemical modifications, it is closer to DDT than it is to sugar. Sucralose is made by replacing three select hydrogen-oxygen groups on sucrose (table sugar) molecules with three chlorine atoms. Splenda (sacralose) safety concerns: •“Sucralose alters metabolic parameters and its chronic effects on body weight are unknown. “ May raise blood sugar and insulin levels, actually producing diabetes. •Sucralose alters P-gp and CYP expression. Its chemical structure includes chlorine which appears to cause abnormalities of liver function, skin, the nervous system, and cancer risk. •The metabolic fate and health profile of sucralose metabolites are currently unknown. Sucralose metabolites (products of metabolism, usually small molecules) have been found in urine and its effects have not been studied. •Sucralose alters indigenous bacterial balance in the GIT. GIT is the gastrointestinal tract of the stomach and intestine. Splenda will reduce the beneficial bacteria and increase the harmful bacteria. It will create adverse effects on PH balance and gut flora (a complex of microorganism species that live in the digestive tracts), making passable stools, synthesize vitamins B-7 , B-12, and K. The deficiency of these essential vitamins contributes to diabetes, obesity, hair loss, gray hair, eczema, seborrhea, anemia, internal bleedings, ulcers, strokes, cancers, degenerative disorders such as Parkinson and Alzheimer disease, and common gastrointestinal, respiratory, and autoimmune disorders. Healthy intestinal flora is also vital for prevention of constipation, for maintaining your primary immunity, for shielding your large intestine from colon cancer, and for averting yeast infection inside your mouth or vagina. •Numerous toxicological issues regarding long-term exposure to sucralose are unresolved.” 1. Genotoxicity (chemical or other agent that damages cellular DNA, resulting in mutations or cancer) 2. Generate toxic compounds when heated 3. Bioaccumulation of sucralose (toxic accumulation in cells faster than can be eliminated) 4. Fear of the unknown. •Does not dissipate in water and could become a part of the public water supply. The best sweetener alternative is local honey. Its benefits abound; our bodies can process; and it reduces allergies.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 21:30:53 +0000

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